I was already planning to switch to pc gaming next console gen and only pick one up when their price dropped for the exclusives (and the fact my 6 year or so old PS3 is more or less a glorified blueray/netflix player atm)... but if they seriously do this, I just don't have words.
But I can tell you that the next console that doesn't block used games amidst this will be the new console powerhouse.
@chipwithdip @FNFREITAS @proximaxx halo is the only shooter on that list? ninja, dust, spelunky, and trials are sidescrolling games on XBLA... go try their free demos.
I do agree with the subscription being free, I'm going to be going to ps4 or building a pc next gen... depending on if PS has a fee.
Maybe if they made resident evil games that play more like the resident evil games that consumers liked so much they bought so many of them that it powered the franchise to the 6th installment. Just a thought.
Or you know, keep making garbage and slapping the resident evil franchise name on it... whatever.
@major_zero25 You don't have to understand the story, but you might want to at least rent the other games as they are a huge amount of fun. The city of rapture is pretty iconic and you'd be doing yourself a disservice of not experiencing it.
@Nikosnik123 Why would DS3 be anticipated, even fans are undecided if they new stuff EA is shoehorning into the game will work out and people are outright outraged at the fact the game is launching with more paid DLC than the cost of the game.
Honestly anything EA puts out isn't going to be a highly anticipated game no matter what, people still remember their last half a dozen releases that angered them.
@Midnight_Twelve I was, but it looks like they won't actually be doing anything with it for homefront 2. I'm more optimistic about the franchise in the future, but they don't seem to be doing anything to the second game... just letting the original devs finish what they started. This probably means, same engine, short SP with cliffhanger ending, and the gameplay will be pretty much the same as the first.
I can't wait to see what crytek does once they develop the game from the ground up will all the company hardware they have at their disposal, but for now.... homefront is crytek in name only.
I'm actually kind of excited to see what crytek does with homefront. Good thing ubisoft didn't get Metro... the best part about that game for me is the low HUD atmosphere (and if there's one thing ubisoft does horribly... it's overbearing HUD with no ability to disable it.). I would have been interested to see what they did with saints though.
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