Hypedupturtle's forum posts
i was gonna say Resistance (as its the only one I'v got out of these 3). Get both if you can. Look them up. see which one you like the look of most and get that. No-one can really truely tell you, as everyone has there own tastes and styles. rent them and if you don't like one of em, get the other.
If i play oblivion on my ps3 and stay to long in dungeons i first start hearing a hard beep like sound
and if i don't stop my oblivion game and reload my save-game then then my ps3 just freezes..
( I have a EU PS3 and EU game )Xenoww
Weird. it sounds like your copy of Oblivion is a pirate or your PS3 is at fault. Where did you buy the game (as in, what country) and where did your PS3 come from? Is the Disk scratched? No-one I'v ever heard of using Oblivion on PS3 (including me:)) has ever mentioned this problem.
I'll ask around.
you cannot be a vampire without the sun hurting you. I know it would be great but not being a vampire is better. people dont run away from you if you are not a vampire for starters. you can buy night vision and the ability to see people through walls. you must go to a church to find out about a vampire cure and you will be directed to an old witch somewhere (i have not played this for a while) search it 'oblivion vampire cure' on google. I used a website called uspwiki which is really good. it is hard though as ypu need 5 grand soul gems with no souls in and loads of garlic, bloodgrass, the blood of an argonian (she gives you a special dagger for that) and the ashes of a poweful vampir and some other stuff. its not easy but its the only way. actually I think that before seeing the witch you see the count of skingrad but I wont give anything away about the storyline. but sorry no you cannot be a vampire with only the benefits. sorry.
Exactly what he said. You cannot be a vamp. without taking sun damage (unless you've fed recently). Plus, you dont have to buy a night vision. you get Hunter's Sight upon becom a vampire.
so should i ask for $25 or stay with $30? and btw what else is on the collectors for ps3 exceept for the goblin?bigboy2092
The collectors edition has nothing other than the goblin on it. The Spiderman game is bought new for £30. To be honest I'd pay 10/15 quid for it. It has its moments, but isn't for anybody but a fan really. You will get the occasional random person who would buy it and like it without having seen it (or been brainwashed:P) Dont pay £30 for it. The reason he offered you that game out of all his games probably makes the point very clear. If I could go back to when I bought it, I wouldnt buy it.
I'm using a wireless connection and heresexactly what I do.
[Internet Connection Settings] -> Wireless -> WLAN Settings -Scan -> (Select my router) -> WLAN security settings - None -> Address settings - Easy -> [Checking network configuration] -> IP address settings - Automatic -> Do notset DHCP Hostname -> DNS Settings - Automatic -> MTU - Automatic -> Do not use proxy server -> Enabke UPnP ->TestConnection
Thenit won't obtainthe IP address. It just keeps saying failed. I even entered it in myself at one point and it still failed. Why the frig can't it be as easy as it was for the PS2 online.
Exactly the same happened to me. I gave up and went for wired (supposed to be much better than wireless)
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