[QUOTE="freedomfreak"]Crysis 3>>>blue_hazy_basic
build me a $400 PC, run crysis 3 on it, then post screens. If it looks better than KZSF, then I will agree with you, Crysis 3 >>>>>>. Until that day, this argument needs to die. Yes, PC games look better when maxed out. But people who buy consoles buy them because to get a PC that can output similar graphics would cost twice as much as its console counterpart. And before u link me to some random computer that has better specs on paper, I want you to show me a game on that $400 PC and show me the screenshots that look better than PS4/XOne games. You wont do it because it will never happen.
While im here, I might as well finish my rant. This whole "PC >>>> Your LIfe" attitude is idiotic at best. You will have a console graphics thread, some douche walks in and posts Crysis 3 pics on max on a $1000+ rig. Consolites will say "Yeah it looks better, but you have to sell an arm and a leg to buy that PC". Random PC douche X will then post a link to a random PC that costs $500 and say "you see! Its affordable!"...yes douchebag, its affordable, but will it get me crysis 3 running like the screenshot u just posted? HELL FREAKING NO! So why even bring it up?
Thats like me bringing up KZ shadowfall and then someone saying "yeah but a PS4 is $400" and I reply with "but you can buy a PS1 for around $50". Thats exactly what you are doing when you show a Crysis 3 max screenshot, and then link me a $500 piece of crap PC that can barely run Terraria at 60FPS.
Its a complete misnomer to compare a PC to a console in straight up costs. A console manufacturer isn't looking to make a profit on a console (or at least much of one) and often takes a loss and buys in vast bulk vs someone buying a PC, when each specific item has a retail markup on it. If someone sat down to build a PS4 you need to compare what that would cost at retail vs a home built PC for your example to make sense. Especially this gen there are also the hidden costs of paying to play online and much more expensive games. that perfectly fine, but all the inner business complications that occur are completely irrelevant to the end user. I dont care if Sony is selling their console at a loss or whatever. That doesnt affect me in any way. All I care about, is the price I have to pay to get the device. And as it stands, you cannot make a PC for $400 that will give me graphics than a PS4. It just wont happen. As for all the hidden costs of paying to play online and all that other stuff, that has nothing to do with the price of the actual console itself. I could just buy every game used, or wait til its on sale. And I dont necessarily have to play online. I could play offline and still be content with my purchase. My point is if we are talking about hardware flat out, its bullcrap to post Crysis pics running at max and then turn around in the same thread and claim PC gaming is completely affordable cause that's just flat out lying. Sure, PC gaming CAN BE affordable, but you sure as hell wont be playing Crysis 3 at max.
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