Bullshit. Its not a graphical powerhouse, but it does look great. I don't care if cows can cherry pick out bad textures, just watch the game in motion in HD (or even better, at 60fps) and it looks really great.
People are hyping the game because it looks like a shit load of fun, not because its AI is calculated in the cloud LOL all those games publications who got some playtime with the game at E3 have nothing but praise for it.
(just for reminder :cool: )
Sometimes I wish this game was on PS4 too so that I can hype this game in peace without all the cow hate :P
Let me explain why im saying it doesnt even look all that good. Yes, you posted a picture showing how many awards its won but me, like a lot of other people, are sick and tired of COD, and this looks like it plays like COD with mechs. Now unsuprisingly, it would get multiple awards because game critics seem to be in love with COD, thats why every single main COD game (even the abysmal MW3) has been getting 9.0+. So yeah, I expect it to get multiple awards, but I just feel like "been there done that".
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