Thats pretty much MSes answer to anything. What's the hardware? The cloud. The way MS speaks, if you could hook up an SNES to the cloud, it would be able to play Crysis 3 at max :Pteh CLOUD
II_Seraphim_II's forum posts
Here's a better picture for everyone that happened to click on this thread

Thanks man. needed that lol.Here's a better picture for everyone that happened to click on this thread
[QUOTE="Raziel831991"]Why would they remove one of the few elements of the console that makes them different from the competition??? The kinect 2.0 is the awesome piece of tech the original kinect should have been. It remains to be seen how it will impact next gen but to remove it just because some people dont think its useful is silly. Its integrated with every console for a reason, its going to be integral to next gen. You see but the thing is its not just "some people". Its the overwhelming majority. What you just said is like saying "why remove DRM? Its what makes it different from the other consoles and to remove it just cause some people dont think its useful is just silly." lol.In my opinion what they should be doing right now is getting rid of the kinect in order to lower the price of the console
:lol: oh dying here lol.....i agree :|It's mostly because we white people think 100% caucasian decent is the only way one can be white. Picture it like this, you have a white shirt and someone drops some red liquid on it. That would be extremely noticeable right? and your shirt would be ruined, and more than likely it will never look fully white again. Now if someone dropped the red liquid on a black shirt, it wouldn't be as noticeable and you could probably wash it and make it hardly visible. It's the same concept here. It's just easier to be labelled as a black shirt, because it would be difficult to notice any other colour on it, but on a white shirt you'd instantly notice a difference.
lol, u know? I came in here looking for the hidden racist guy....lemme read through this thread and try to pick him out. Its like playing "Where's Waldo!"
Could not have picked a worse place to try and have THIS 'DISCUSSION'.
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