Nice houses and cars will be bought.So . . . what happens to the BILLION dollars, obama just gave to the muslim brotherhood.??
II_Seraphim_II's forum posts
Egypt? I've been confused about the entire middle east for the longest time ever. They all hate Israel, but in their bid to kiss the US's ass, they all sell each other out at moments notice. The entire region is just a confused mess.I have no idea what to make of Egypt these days.
[QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"]yeah just saw this on the news. That's a bit f'ed up to be honest. Could you imagine if this had happened to the French or Portuguese president? They'd be all up in arms acting crazy. But the sad truth is that some nations are just treated as second class nations who dont deserve as much respect as other nations.frannkzappa
it's not sad if it's their fault.
What did Bolivia do? Its their fault for flying back home? They didnt even have Snoden on board.....I think a lot of people who dont care are not American. Its like seeing a kid get caught trying to steal cookies out of the cookie jar. Yeah sure its sad that he will probably get in trouble and get grounded and all that jazz, but yo, if your gonna do something sneaky, who do you have to blame if you get caught? Besides, most citizens of other nations are understandably unhappy about their privacy being violated with the PRISM project, so once again, these people don't really care about any consequences the US will suffer. Just like most Americans dont really care about the bad stuff happening to other nations.[QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"]
i can't believe all some has to do is yell "FREEDOM AND F@CK THE GOVERNMENT" and he can do whatever he wants to anybody, no matter who gets hurt.
no one cares that an obvious ideological idiot has sensitive information
no one cares what information this man actually has.
no one cares who gets hurt by this man because "he saved us from getting spied on"
no one cares that any foreign group can take advantage of this man and his information
everyone just wants to selfish and blindly jack off to an unthought out ideal with massive potential consequences.
i don't care who thinks what of who.
A man has carelessly endangered the lives of his fellow citizens and other innocents , yet no one cares to hear the whole story.
Hey, just saying whats what.[QUOTE="HyperWarlock"]
[QUOTE="whipassmt"] I wonder, would every EU country participate, or would some decide to stay out or even help the U.S.?
The UK would side with the US, they are America's closest allies.
Going by 1984, Code Geass, and the fact that we in the UK like to suck America's ding dong for whatever reason, I'd deem this accurate unfortunately. Exactly my point. Most of the EU literally is on the US's leash. Which is why Russia entertains me. Putin, for all his griminess, just doesnt give a flying F! He knows Russia is a super power, and so he acts like it. While most of the world is content to be America's little lapdog Putin doesnt like being pushed around. Do I agree with everything he does? Hell no. Having lived in Russia for 7 years I know its messed up in some major ways, but hey, he keeps the game of politics interesting.I think a lot of people who dont care are not American. Its like seeing a kid get caught trying to steal cookies out of the cookie jar. Yeah sure its sad that he will probably get in trouble and get grounded and all that jazz, but yo, if your gonna do something sneaky, who do you have to blame if you get caught? Besides, most citizens of other nations are understandably unhappy about their privacy being violated with the PRISM project, so once again, these people don't really care about any consequences the US will suffer. Just like most Americans dont really care about the bad stuff happening to other nations.i can't believe all some has to do is yell "FREEDOM AND F@CK THE GOVERNMENT" and he can do whatever he wants to anybody, no matter who gets hurt.
no one cares that an obvious ideological idiot has sensitive information
no one cares what information this man actually has.
no one cares who gets hurt by this man because "he saved us from getting spied on"
no one cares that any foreign group can take advantage of this man and his information
everyone just wants to selfish and blindly jack off to an unthought out ideal with massive potential consequences.
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