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#1 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts

[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]*reads there isn't skill involved in the combat* :lol: *leaves*magitekk

Wait, what'd I miss?

I mean, I love the Pokemon games, but you have to admit that children were kept in mind when developing each game.

In other words, Pokemon is very minimal in terms of difficulty.

The game was made with mutiplayer in mind. Beating the main game is easy? Of course. But few games have a metagame with so much depth as Pokemon. As I've said many times in the past, Pokemon is a strategy mutiplayer game with a RPG campaign.

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#2 Icare0
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[QUOTE="dzimm"]Then there's the group of optometrists saying that the 3D will not negatively impact developing eyes and in fact could lead to earlier detection of problems. Calvin079

So the question is, who's telling the truth?

Easy to tell. Neither.

Even if it really can cause any damage, the handhelds will simply not last enough in the hands of 5 years old kids to cause any damage.

Which kind of people give fragile presents worth a couple hundreds of dollars to a 5 years old kid anyway?

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#3 Icare0
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Well, you're kinda right, but...

The storyline is pretty similar from game to game... actually, gen 1-2 was different, 2-3 was different, but then D/P was kinda similar... I mean yeah, stop the evil team and collect 8 badges, but in gen 1, they were basically the mafia. Gen 2, they wanted to build up Team Rocket again, Gen 3 and 4 they tried to awaken legendaries to complete their goals. And apparently, B/W has a very good and different storyline. But of course, they should keep the 8 badges part. And the evil team part, unless they can find a really intresting and cool way to change it.

The battle system, well, it is kinda the same. But, there are double battles, and now, triple battles. Yeah, triple battles seems like a lame step up, but actually they have definately made battles more than they usually are. Plus, they now have attack combos, a lot of new attacks, etc. Plus, the Battle fronteir.

The new Pokemon... I disagree, they should keep making the new Pokemon, and heck, look at Oshawott into it's final evo. Waaaay different. Actually, a lot of the Pokemon in B/W are different from basics to stage 1 or 2's. And although some of them are, of course, lame, there are a lot of cool ones. (like every gen, really)

I understand what you're coming from, but try playing B/W, that might change your mind.;)


Black and White sound like the evolution to the franchise I have been hoping it would get. Attack combos sound great. Kind of like the combos in the Beauty and Cool etc Contests they introduced in Sapphire and Ruby. That sounds like a great adition to the combat system.

Don't get your hopes too high about these attack combos. I've beaten the game and have never saw any of them, and as far as I know, there's only 3 combos. And they only work on Doubles and Triple battles.

Edit: Source - http://www.serebii.net/games/combo.shtml

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#4 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts

Hi there after reading both recommended and best ds game threads sadly I have found nothing that interests me. Please help me find some really good games some recent games I have played played Final fantasy IV and crystal chronicles Disgea Legend of zelda spirit tracks Pokemon Black and white TWEWY My favorite games that i was addicted to Lost in blue 2 Rune factory (although the 3rd one was weak:( ) Animal crossing Phoenix wright Please I really want to play some quality ds games all posts are appreciatedtulmot

You seems to like games with good plot.

Hotel Dusk and Last Window have awesome plot, and are great adeventure games. But be warned: they're text heavy.

999 have an plot even better, and a friggin LOT of replay value for an adventure game, but is even more text heavy. In fact, 999 is almost like reading a book. In the good sense of that.

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#5 Icare0
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Screw the fatties, this is a world where a guy bathed his cat, tried to dry it on a microwave oven, and then sued the company because there wasn't any warning about drying cats on it.


i still think that the most absurd case is the guy who bought hot coffee on starbucks, let it fall on his crotch, and sued them because there was no warning that the coffee was hot/could hurt his crotch.

idots don't deserve to reproduce but both caes is why nowdays microwave booklets say" warning do now use to dry wet pets" and why coffee holders say" warning product is hot" but people sue over the stupidest reasons one day i heard on the news when a guy at a hotel showed and the water was to hot so he burned his nutts and i have to wonder why would anyone test water heat with their nutts anyways

Well, there has this guy on a shopping center that dropped some water in the floor, slipped and then sued the shopping for not cleaning it quickly enough, but the starbucks one gets the winner place for most stupid reason. What's next? Matchstick boxes that have 'warning, this product produces fire' written?

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#6 Icare0
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Actually, B/W is much better than the predecessors in this point. I have an japanese Black, and while i don't understand a single kanji, it's easy to see that the plot is completely new.

Any competitive battler will disagree with this. The game is "balanced" around the mutiplayer battles, and I can assure you: every generation was completely diferent that it's predecessors.

Erm, no.

This is just just because when we first saw the first 150, we hadn't the same standards as now. There's plenty of stupid design ideas on the first generation(electrode/primeapedis/magnemite/diglett, anyone?) and there's a lot of cool/badass/cute designs in B/W. There are good and bad pokes in every generation. Also, without the new pokes, the game would be much more repetitive.


I never claimed Black and White don't have original stories because I haven't played them. I will pass judgement when I get to do so.

I am talking about the single player element of the game (as it is an RPG that is where you spend 99.999% of the game). The AI is far to easy. They will use uneffective moves, useless moves repetively etc... I have played every single generation of Pokemon games, and no, the battle system is pretty much a carbon copy of its predessecor. Also any competitive battler (which I used to consider myself) will say that winning a battle is in the training of the pokemon. EV train your pokemon smartly, and have a balanced team, and you will win any battle if you have any logic and common sense...

The fact is, that the new Pokemon don't actually add anything new to the game. You could make it through any of the latter games without using a single new pokemon. And you can't deny that some of the new evolutions aren't the most unoriginal pokemons ever... I just htink they should spend more time desiging less pokemons, as opposed to pumping out essential clones of previous ones.

And what are you talking about? Primeape and diglett were some of the best!

First, a lot people actually spend most of their time on Pokemon not on the main game, but making teams for mutiplayer.

I never said that the battle system isn't mostly the same, but the new pokemon bring new strategies and change the metagame completely. Also, team building isn't everything. Unless you don't know how to build a team, of course. Think of it as a strategy game with an RPG campaing, and you'll get it. How much time did the Starcraft gameplay lasted?

And c'mon, Diglett is a penis with a nose that sprouts from the ground.

2nd Gen: First, the special split which TOTALLY changed how many first gen pokemon were used. Mewtwo wasn't an unbetable god anymore, then dark and steel types were introduced which helped curtail the psychic domination of 1st gen. Weather moves were introduced, and "continuous" moves like wrap and clamp weren't broken anymore. The ability to breed pokemon and egg moves, also, the item system which added a whole new dynamic to team building.

3rd gen: The introduction of natures, this completely changed the dynamics of team building once again. You could sarafice one stat to bolster another, this is pretty huge. The VAST improvement and expansion of the item and berry system lead to strategies and combos not possible before. Oh, and possibly the biggest improvement, abilities. Every pokemon now has an innate ability that changes how one would use them, and can make or break a lot of pokemon. Some pokemon and movesets are used now specifically to combat and counter other abilities like intimidate, sandstream, etc. Also the introduction of double battles and rehauling the breeding system.

4th gen: The physical/special split with moves, once again changed the way pokemon were used. Hitmonchan became less useless, in fact, most pokemon became better with the ability to use same-type moves based off their best stat. Azumarill with it's huge power ability is no longer a joke, Gyarados and Feraligatr can use things like Waterfall, psychics get access to special-based fighting moves to combat dark and steel types, etc.

5th gen: I actually haven't been following 5th gen in order to prevent spoilers, but at the very least TM's are now re-useable, which streamlines team building. Triple battles have been introduced and apparently double/triple battles are more common and now can be had with wild pokemon.


Also, this.

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#7 Icare0
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Completely new story-line. - Every Pokemon game through from Red to Platnium has the same story, just disguised fairly thinly to give the impression of a new narrative. There are no plot twists. There is no character development.Urworstnhtmare

Actually, B/W is much better than the predecessors in this point. I have an japanese Black, and while i don't understand a single kanji, it's easy to see that the plot is completely new.

An evolution of the battle system. - Pokemon Black and White feature the same turn based combat as Red and Blue. Sure it may be a bit prettier, but the stratergy is the same as it was in the original, even if they have added a couple of new types. He sends out a water pokemon, use an electric one. There really isn't any skill per-say involved. As long as your super-effective, use Thunder until the opponent faints... To try and make battles more tense, and to actually make the speed stat an important statistic, the Pokemon franchise should implement a battle system similar to what Square implemented in Final Fantasy IV, the Active Time Battle (or ATB) system. This would mean faster pokemon (such as Rapidsh) would be able to attack more often and more quickly than slower pokemon. This would actually make investing points in the speed stat a considerable option, where as currently, if its one better than the opponent, you always hit first...Urworstnhtmare

Any competitive battler will disagree with this. The game is "balanced" around the mutiplayer battles, and I can assure you: every generation was completely diferent that it's predecessors.

Not as many new Pokemon. - Sure some of them are great, like Rotom and Salamancer, but slow down. There are almost 700 pokemon, and of course with that many, creating new ones is difficult. Many of the new ones just look like the designers said, "Oh the pokemon doesn't have an evolution. Just slap an extra horn on it and make it bigger and angry looking." etc. The majority of the newest Pokemon look dull and kind of souless, as if the designers just pumped them out as quickly as possible. I mean, weren't the original pokemon cute, charming, and bad-ass looking enough that we don't need another 500ish...Urworstnhtmare

Erm, no.

This is just just because when we first saw the first 150, we hadn't the same standards as now. There's plenty of stupid design ideas on the first generation(electrode/primeapedis/magnemite/diglett, anyone?) and there's a lot of cool/badass/cute designs in B/W. There are good and bad pokes in every generation. Also, without the new pokes, the game would be much more repetitive.

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#8 Icare0
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"People won't sue them"? This is a world where fatties sue fast food joints for their obesity,


Screw the fatties, this is a world where a guy bathed his cat, tried to dry it on a microwave oven, and then sued the company because there wasn't any warning about drying cats on it.

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#9 Icare0
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This sucks. I know it's probably to combat piracy, but it's not pirating if you're importing a legit game.


Actually, this will probably lead to more hacking and piracy.

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#10 Icare0
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ahh i get it never knew if you knew a few of the same moves it wasn't good like a few fire moves and i do now see that too many of them do have cut which isn't necessary .. how would i be able to get an ice type move? maybe i could look and see what i have in my bag and see if i picked up any along the way? delectabledoz

It was only an example. The bottom line is "with more moves of different types you can hit more pokes for super effective damage". A Water pokemon with only Water attacks can only hit super-effectively Rock, Fire and Ground pokes. If you add an Ice type move, you will add to that list Flyers, Dragons and Grass-types. Now think how many stuff you can easily beat with an Starmie that have Surf/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt.