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#1 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts



Get an Adamant one with Technician

Bullet Punch
Sword Dance
Baton Pass


Most of the time, scizor doesn't have the free turn to pass SD boost, because most of its counters kill it on a single fire attack AND outspeed, so Baton Pass isn't a good option. Roost is better, nulifying the damage taken on the turn you SD'ed.

Also, the lack of Brick Break make this set easy to be walled by any Stell pokemon.

Everyone has their own strategy, but this one never fails me. Once scizor holds the occa berry? (the one that cuts super effectiveness of fire), it should be okay...and many times you can predict if your opponent has a fire move and baton pass to freedom.

Many times, unless your opponent has a fire or fighting move, scizor can be hard to take down. Hence you can sword dance and baton pass to someone else, making them a powerful sweeping tank. If you're worried about being walled by a steel type, sword dance x3 and baton pass....even so, once sword dance is maxed out getting hit with a bullet punch is almost the equivalent of being hit with an explosion...and since it's always a first strike move, it's a win-win.

Well, you haven't said a thing before about occa berry. It could make the work as a passer, since dedicated BPasser Scizor is unheard of since platinum.

Edit: I've runs some calculations, on Smogon Damage Calculator and this is what I've found out:

Standard Heat Wave Zapdos VS 0/0 Occa Scizor 74.7% - 88.3%

Standard Heat Wave Zapdos VS Standard 248/0 BPasser Occa Scizor 61.2% - 72.3%

Standard HP(Fire) Magnezone VS 0/0 Occa Scizor = 65.5% - 77.6%

Standard HP(Fire) Magnezone VS Standard 248/0 BPasser Occa Scizor = 53.6% - 63.6%

Standard Fire Blast ScarfHeatran VS 0/0 Occa Scizoz = 168.7% - 198.6%

Standard Fire Blast ScarfHeatran VS Standard 248/0 BPasser Occa Scizor = 138.2% - 162.7%

Standard Fire Blast ScarfHeatran VS 252/252 Neutral Nature Occa Scizor = 103.5% - 122.7%

Standard Fire Blast ScarfHeatran VS 252/252 Careful Occa Scizor = 95% - 112.5%

252 Atk Adamant Scizor +2 Bullet Punch VS Standard ScarfHeatran = 20.4% - 24.1%

252 Atk Adamant Scizor +2 X-Scissor VS Standard ScarfHeatran = 27.2% - 32.2%

252 Atk Adamant Scizor +2 Bug Bite VS Standard ScarfHeatran = 30.7% - 36.2%

This means that the Scizor HAVE to run Occa Berry in order to dream about passing the SD boost against the textbook scizor counters, and even then, it still is OHKO by the standard Heatran, the most used poke this side of SS/HG. Hell, even with max defenses and positive nature it still have a good chance to be OHKO'd after Stealth Rock damage. Then again, the surprise factor *could* help it sweep/pass the SD.

Ah, and before I forget, Bug Bite does more damage than X-Scissor due to technician, so if possible, and you really want a bug STAB, get it.

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#2 Icare0
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[QUOTE="DoubleRainb0w"]Is this a good team for just battling with friends, not that competitive tho. But he's pretty good and we're tied 3-3 coz i fail xD yea my last team didn't work so well o-o Salamence, Choice Band(switch out right at the start of the battle), Adamant, Ev trained for max att and spd Outrage, Fire Fang, Earthquake, and Roost Vaporeon, Leftovers (switch in to mence if he uses ice beam, if not probly steelix or skarm), Bold, Ev trained for hp and def Wish, Protect, Surf, Ice Beam Scizor, Life Orb, Adamant, Ev trained for max att and hp Swords Dance, Roost, Bullet Punch, X-Scissor Venusaur, idk what item to use o-o, Timid, Ev trained for sp. att and spd Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder, Synthesis, Need help on fourth move, thinking about Sludge Bomb or poison powder Skarmory, Leftovers, Impish, Ev trained for def and hp Spikes, Brave Bird, Roost, Need help on fourth move, alrdy covered stealth rock with steelix Steelix, Leftovers, Sassy, Ev trained for sp. def and hp Stealth Rock, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Need help again xDDoubleRainb0w

You already have a Physical wall in Skarmory, which has self-heal, therefore Steelix really isn't needed. I would use a Heatran in its place, which would help with your Fire weakness. It also attract earthquakes, which means more chances to skarmory to lay down Spikes/Stealth Rock, and more chances for Mence to Outrage away. Give Skarmory SRock, and use a Sub Heatran, to ease prediction:

SubHea: Timid / Naive, 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

~ Fire Blast
~ Earth Power
~ Substitute
~ Toxic / Explosion


Use Naive if you go for explosion. Switch on the fire attack, sub on the switch, and fire away until the sub is broken.

Spec Heatran could also work.

SpecHea: Modest, 40 HP / 252 SpA / 216 Spe

~ Fire Blast / Overheat
~ Earth Power
~ Hidden Power Grass
~ Dragon Pulse / Flamethrower

@Choice Specs

A Flash Fire boosted Spec Overheat / Fire Blast coming off Heatran's base 130 SpAtk deals reediculous damage, even to something that resist it. Fire blast 2HKO standard Blissey, Gyarados and Dragonite, Heatran's common switch-ins after SRock damage. Fire blast does more damage over two turns, but Overheat deals much more damage on the first. If you use Overheat, use Flamethrower on the last slot to sweep late-game.

I'm also against SD Scizor without fighting moves. Steel/Bug gives you terrible coverage and make you easily walled by any bulky steel pokemon. Superpower / Brick Break over X-Scissor.

Sludge Bomb on Venusaur isn't bad per-se, but makes it stel types set-up bait too. If possible, use Hp Ground. If not possible, Roserade can fit the same purpose without changing much. Timid, 4Hp 252 Spe, 252 SpAtk, S.Powder/Toxic Spikes/Leafstorm/ Hp (ice/fire) @Focus Sash makes a great Toxic Spikes Lead, and Timid, 4Hp 252 Spe, 252 SpAtk S.Powder/Sludge Bomb/Leafstorm/ Hp (ice/ground) @Choice Scarf is a wonderful scarfer.

Great idea...just one problem tho, I started EV training late after I finished the game and caught most legendaries w/o using synchronize so I don't have the right natues D: Any other suggestions, but not legendaries? xD Roserade is good, but I don't really like using HP since it's power and type is hard to determine and I probly won't spend that much time looking for a perfect pokemon with the right HP xD

A pretty big problem. Heatran is the only fire-resist to really help with your team synergy that way, since most others fire resists wouldn't be bulky enough (infernape/most fire-types), or would add others weakness problems (water types/dragon types). The same goes for the grass-type pokemon, since your other best bet after Roserade would be Shaymin.

Solving the fire-weakness any other way tends to change the entire focus of the team, but hey, we can try. Get a Rain Dance Kingdra:

Rain Dance Mixed Kingdra

208 Atk / 136 SpA / 164 Spe, Rash/Mild, Swift Swim @Life Orb

~ Rain Dance
~ Waterfall
~ Hydro Pump / Surf
~ Draco Meteor

Switch in the fire attack, scare the poke, rain dance, and sweep. At worst, if a counter comes, you nulified you fire weakness for 4 turns. At best, you sweep your opponent. Putting it over steelix isn't a bad choice.

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#3 Icare0
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I always have trouble deciding on these types of things ... should I get SoulSilver or HeartGold.

Thanks in advance, and well I don't know if it means anything in deciding but I've only ever really played the originals (Red, Blue, Yellow, Trading Card Game) as well as the remake LeafGreen.

Thanks again.


It really won't matter. They're the same game, but some pokemon are available in one game and not in the other.

This. it doesn't make a difference

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#4 Icare0
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And once again, nintendo fail to realise that there is a friggin LOT of pokemon players that live outside japan/EUA/UK.

*add to the list of things I'll have to murder for in order to continue to play competitive pokemon*

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#5 Icare0
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Final Fantasy Tactics A2 and Disgaea DS.

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#6 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts

Is this a good team for just battling with friends, not that competitive tho. But he's pretty good and we're tied 3-3 coz i fail xD yea my last team didn't work so well o-o Salamence, Choice Band(switch out right at the start of the battle), Adamant, Ev trained for max att and spd Outrage, Fire Fang, Earthquake, and Roost Vaporeon, Leftovers (switch in to mence if he uses ice beam, if not probly steelix or skarm), Bold, Ev trained for hp and def Wish, Protect, Surf, Ice Beam Scizor, Life Orb, Adamant, Ev trained for max att and hp Swords Dance, Roost, Bullet Punch, X-Scissor Venusaur, idk what item to use o-o, Timid, Ev trained for sp. att and spd Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder, Synthesis, Need help on fourth move, thinking about Sludge Bomb or poison powder Skarmory, Leftovers, Impish, Ev trained for def and hp Spikes, Brave Bird, Roost, Need help on fourth move, alrdy covered stealth rock with steelix Steelix, Leftovers, Sassy, Ev trained for sp. def and hp Stealth Rock, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Need help again xDDoubleRainb0w

You already have a Physical wall in Skarmory, which has self-heal, therefore Steelix really isn't needed. I would use a Heatran in its place, which would help with your Fire weakness. It also attract earthquakes, which means more chances to skarmory to lay down Spikes/Stealth Rock, and more chances for Mence to Outrage away. Give Skarmory SRock, and use a Sub Heatran, to ease prediction:

SubHea: Timid / Naive, 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

~ Fire Blast
~ Earth Power
~ Substitute
~ Toxic / Explosion


Use Naive if you go for explosion. Switch on the fire attack, sub on the switch, and fire away until the sub is broken.

Spec Heatran could also work.

SpecHea: Modest, 40 HP / 252 SpA / 216 Spe

~ Fire Blast / Overheat
~ Earth Power
~ Hidden Power Grass
~ Dragon Pulse / Flamethrower

@Choice Specs

A Flash Fire boosted Spec Overheat / Fire Blast coming off Heatran's base 130 SpAtk deals reediculous damage, even to something that resist it. Fire blast 2HKO standard Blissey, Gyarados and Dragonite, Heatran's common switch-ins after SRock damage. Fire blast does more damage over two turns, but Overheat deals much more damage on the first. If you use Overheat, use Flamethrower on the last slot to sweep late-game.

I'm also against SD Scizor without fighting moves. Steel/Bug gives you terrible coverage and make you easily walled by any bulky steel pokemon. Superpower / Brick Break over X-Scissor.

Sludge Bomb on Venusaur isn't bad per-se, but makes it stel types set-up bait too. If possible, use Hp Ground. If not possible, Roserade can fit the same purpose without changing much. Timid, 4Hp 252 Spe, 252 SpAtk, S.Powder/Toxic Spikes/Leafstorm/ Hp (ice/fire) @Focus Sash makes a great Toxic Spikes Lead, and Timid, 4Hp 252 Spe, 252 SpAtk S.Powder/Sludge Bomb/Leafstorm/ Hp (ice/ground) @Choice Scarf is a wonderful scarfer.

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#7 Icare0
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Adamant, Technician, EV:4HP / 252 ATK / 252 SPE

@Choice Band

Bullet Punch




This is the most used set in the entire 4th generation metagame for a reason. After you use it, you won't want other scizor for a looooong time.

Edit: Wait, you don't play platinum? And want a scizor? How the hell you will get Bullet Punch?


I have platinum o-o I said I was playing Platinum so I couldnt get Bug Bite, I thought it was a 5th gen move but by judging on ur reaction i guess it isnt xD i was unclear on that. And im thinking of him as a sweeper even tho it has a 4x weakness to fire since 3 SDs or less and a bullet punch should be able to OHKO most fire pokemon if not all.

Okay. Brick Break and Roost, then.

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#8 Icare0
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No Sleep, OHKO or Evasion Clause?

Spore / Double Team / Lock on / Horn Drill Smeargle FTW!

Bring it on something slower, spore and hax you way to victory! \o

Edit: And why the hell Item Clause anyway?

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#10 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts

I am curious about this thread as I, myself, was looking for good move-set for my IN-GAME Scizor.

Scizor (W/ Swarm. Yes, I know Technician is better)
Nature: Adamant.
Item: Muscle Band (?).
Iron Head.
- Night Slash.
- Swords Dance.
- X-scissor.

EV: Atk 255 /Spe 255 (I also know that 252 / 252 / 6 is better).

After reading this thread; I plan on changing Night Slash to Break Brick, however, I don't plan on re-catching or even breeding for Technician (I just hit level 100 today, and since it's only for in-game use, it's not going to be much of an issue).


In-game? Anything works, but if you really want to be a perfectionist just change N.Slash to Brick Break. B.Punch wouldn't work, because you don't have a technician scizor and at Lv100 you outspeed anything anyway.

But at Lv 100, with an Adamant, Ev'ed, Scizor you could kill an Empoleon with a x4 resisted B.Punch, even without technician.