Get an Adamant one with Technician
Bullet Punch
Sword Dance
Baton PassSoulreavercross
Most of the time, scizor doesn't have the free turn to pass SD boost, because most of its counters kill it on a single fire attack AND outspeed, so Baton Pass isn't a good option. Roost is better, nulifying the damage taken on the turn you SD'ed.
Also, the lack of Brick Break make this set easy to be walled by any Stell pokemon.
Everyone has their own strategy, but this one never fails me. Once scizor holds the occa berry? (the one that cuts super effectiveness of fire), it should be okay...and many times you can predict if your opponent has a fire move and baton pass to freedom.
Many times, unless your opponent has a fire or fighting move, scizor can be hard to take down. Hence you can sword dance and baton pass to someone else, making them a powerful sweeping tank. If you're worried about being walled by a steel type, sword dance x3 and baton pass....even so, once sword dance is maxed out getting hit with a bullet punch is almost the equivalent of being hit with an explosion...and since it's always a first strike move, it's a win-win.
Well, you haven't said a thing before about occa berry. It could make the work as a passer, since dedicated BPasser Scizor is unheard of since platinum.Edit: I've runs some calculations, on Smogon Damage Calculator and this is what I've found out:
Standard Heat Wave Zapdos VS 0/0 Occa Scizor 74.7% - 88.3%
Standard Heat Wave Zapdos VS Standard 248/0 BPasser Occa Scizor 61.2% - 72.3%
Standard HP(Fire) Magnezone VS 0/0 Occa Scizor = 65.5% - 77.6%
Standard HP(Fire) Magnezone VS Standard 248/0 BPasser Occa Scizor = 53.6% - 63.6%
Standard Fire Blast ScarfHeatran VS 0/0 Occa Scizoz = 168.7% - 198.6%
Standard Fire Blast ScarfHeatran VS Standard 248/0 BPasser Occa Scizor = 138.2% - 162.7%
Standard Fire Blast ScarfHeatran VS 252/252 Neutral Nature Occa Scizor = 103.5% - 122.7%
Standard Fire Blast ScarfHeatran VS 252/252 Careful Occa Scizor = 95% - 112.5%
252 Atk Adamant Scizor +2 Bullet Punch VS Standard ScarfHeatran = 20.4% - 24.1%
252 Atk Adamant Scizor +2 X-Scissor VS Standard ScarfHeatran = 27.2% - 32.2%
252 Atk Adamant Scizor +2 Bug Bite VS Standard ScarfHeatran = 30.7% - 36.2%
This means that the Scizor HAVE to run Occa Berry in order to dream about passing the SD boost against the textbook scizor counters, and even then, it still is OHKO by the standard Heatran, the most used poke this side of SS/HG. Hell, even with max defenses and positive nature it still have a good chance to be OHKO'd after Stealth Rock damage. Then again, the surprise factor *could* help it sweep/pass the SD.
Ah, and before I forget, Bug Bite does more damage than X-Scissor due to technician, so if possible, and you really want a bug STAB, get it.
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