Okay, here goes some pro-tips:
1° - Never use two damaging moves of the same type without a 'friggin good reason. Typlosion have 3 fire damaging moves. Then I ask you: Why? You're aways going to use the most powerful anyway. Choose one and ditch the rest for moves of other types to get more super-effective hits on more pokemon.
2° - Don't spread HMs over your team. Dedicate a pokemon to have all them. Most HMs you'll only use once upon a blue moon, and most others are good moves anyway. Cut for example. How many time you really need to use it? once, twice, thrice at most? Teach it to a random poke, use, deposit on the PC and forget that you ever used it.
3° - Pay attention to the pokes stats. Gyarados have a much higher Atk than SpAtk, so there is no point in it having Hydro Pump, which uses SpAtk, on it. Waterfall will aways deal more damage.
4° - When you use a move with the same type as your poke - IE, a fire poke using fire moves - your damage have a 50% bonus called STAB. Aways have at least one STAB move on each pokemon.
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