Based on hist posts, there is no point in arguing with Shabo beyond curbing his enthusiasm to troll others, because he is incapable of critical self-reflection. I just couldn't stand his behavior and had to call him out on it.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Shabo is still at an intermediate stage of psychological development, and has yet to completely mature mentally. It is at least the only explanation I can think of, without completely insulting his intelligence, to explain his often short sighted understanding of words and their meaning.
Take to demean, for instance. To demean something doesn't necessarily mean to do so by verbal insults; there are more nuanced ways to do so. Yet, Shabo somehow latches onto an idiosyncratic, singular meaning of the word demean. I don't hate him for it, but it is annoying personality quirk and it colors his way of thought.
@Shabo883 @Ishiban @TheJamin Once again you demonstrate how shallow your thinking is. Do you not understand the nature of an analogy? You keep mentioning logic, yet yours is sorely lacking.
@Shabo883 @Ishiban @TheJamin Do you understand the nature of abuse. That's like taking napkins from a restaurant that gives them out for free, as many times as you want , whenever you want regardless of whether you need them or not. Sure, you could, but it would be abusive and wrong.
@Shabo883 @Ishiban You fail to understand the meaning of the word. Setting means the locale or surroundings. When you add real world to the mix, it means an actual location you can find in the real world i.e. a place you can go to. A good example would be Hong Kong in Sleeping Dogs. That is a real world location.
This is all really beside the fundamental crux of the issue. You feel that a game should have a realistic style in order to be consistent with the things one can do in the game. It's a matter of opinion, it has no bearing on the quality a game in terms of polished gameplay, graphical fidelity, and such.
@Shabo883 @Ishiban @TheJamin It becomes picking when you keep posting negative things about GTA V, in response to more than one post stating positive opinions about it. And, if you'll notice, I haven't replied to every thing you've posted. I ignored quite a bit of your one off posts.
@Shabo883 @Ishiban Real world setting means it takes place in an actual real world location, GTA V takes place in a fictionalized setting which is a parody of Los Angeles. Again, it's not a real world setting. Open world and real world setting are not the same.
@Shabo883 @Ishiban Wow, now you backpedal and say you're tired of GTA's gameplay. Okay, that's you, but how you feel about the game and how the game actually is are two different things. But if you're really about innovation, I fail to see why you're so enthusiastic about Assasin's Creed III, Far Cry and Metal Gear. Watch Dog's I understand, however.
I bring up the size because it affects the level of graphical fidelity. That's why Far Cry and Metal Gear will look better as far as fidelity, because they are smaller in scale. How do I know this, because the greater the scale, the more that has to be rendered. Considering the age of the consoles, they cannot render a world as big as GTA V's with the fidility of Fra Cry 3 or Metal Gear Ground Zeros.
As for the scale of the GTA V, it has already been reported by the press that it's bigger than Red Dead, GTA IV, and GTA: SA combined. Here's a link:
Ishiban's comments