@alastor529: now now, calm down children (smacks hand with ruler)
besides I only want to play SINGLE player games, screw multiplayer games (in this case, this is the exception) but most games I play ARE SINGLE player, who do I want to play w ith other players, gaming for me (for nearly 3 decades) has never been a social activity, infact quite the opposite, an anti-social (like watching TV after getting off work) ...I dont want to hear some fatso breathing into a microphone, or some teeny bopper who's balls haven't dropped yet with a high pitched voice rant over a headset on Xbox Live....I dont get the obsession with multiplayer (yea it was cool in ....like 2002 when it was a novelty with LAN cables, and PS2's lol...today its tried and true) and while FPS and MMO's and MOBA's rely heavily on online multiplayer (for replay value) almost all other genres (ARPGS, action/adventure, platformers, metroidvanias, and varying sub-genres, like ...take for instance Rogue-lite/twin-stick shooter/ The Binding of Isaac: AB+ - I have it on the switch, 1,200 hours played, not 1 hour spent online ...or co-op....and then theres 130 hours of Dead Cells, and 130 hours of Hollow Knight, and 40 hours of Salt and Sanctuary, 220 hours of Breath of the Wild, 100 hours of SUper Mario Odyssey, 450 hours of Xenoblade Chronicles X, 180 hours of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, 200 hours of Witcher 3: Complete Edition, 240 hours of Xenoblade Chronicles, 20 hours of Hyper Light Drifter, 40 hours of Axiom Verge, 450 hours of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special / Legendary Edition, 130 hours of Ghost Recon: Wildlands, 100 hours of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, 100 hours of Rogue Legacy, 100 hours of Spelunky, 30 hours of Super Motherload, (the list just goes on and on) - and ALL of them are single player....offline, by myself...the best story-based games, the best platformers, the best dungeon crawlers, (Divinity Original Sin, Planescape Torment, SW: KOTOR, Icewind Dale) all those classic CRPGS, all the Dark Souls / Bloodborne / Nioh / Demons (regardless who made them) are all single player, yes I know the latter (Souls games) have a massive popularity with the online portion, PVP - but I intentionally stay OFFLINE and play those games PVE (me vs enviroment) basic game, I could careless about the multiplayer componenets
I feel the exact OPPOSITE
I would rather just have a single player game...Mario maker 2 will be the exception...cause well a big part of the joy is uploading content, looking at others content..but is that aspect really multiplayer ? like actually playing w/ someone on screen ? no...downloading someones level and testing my skills....thats a different form of online gaming....If I spend any time with SMM2, it will probably be - playing the story mode + and then playing other peoples creations, and seeing how goofy, silly, masochistic, challenging & intuitive/creative people can get...but ACTUALLY playing with other peoples, co-op and competitive through a single stage does not entice me...I've done my share of online m ultiplayer in gaming (in past years)...like all the years I spent on Diablo 2....and WoW...even FF XI online......but I've burned myself out on online gaming, and multiplayer (in general) I'd rather Nintendo does what it does best (maybe this instance this is the exception) but outside of SMM2, I'd rather Nintendo just focus their design skills on great single player games, relatively clean launches, and little to no bugs. It's a trade-off, Nintendo may not understand online services, quality servers, and online infrastructures like the other 2 do (Microsoft, Sony) but...they understand (most importantly) quality game making, FUN (actual FUN), and crafting well-running/performing games (most of them time anyway)...and to me that is far more important, the exact reason why ppl bash Nintendo (you know being draconian and backwards, and a decade late on online features/apps & friends lists/messengers, and streamlined online play) is the exact reason why I like them...crazy as that sounds...b/c I dont care about online gaming, friends lists, trophys, blu-ray 4k, streaming services, HULU/Netflix, all those useless apps & features I'll NEVER use...its why I never have PSN (plus+) or Xbox Live (gold)...why pay for a service I'll never make use of ? since I almost exclusively play single player games...some of the best crafted/best story-telling & exploration comes from those single player games, and some of the best games I've played in recent years have almost exclusively had 2 things in common
1) Indie
2) Single player/offline
lol so for me AAA / Multiplayer games (loaded with day 1 broken content, patched up the ass, promises of seasons pass's, microtransactions, an emphasis on games as a "service") is IMHO - what has broken the mainstream/AAA industry (I hate to be one of those people, I try to be optimistic, and I enjoy games now as much as I did 25 years ago) but...christ....game-design-modules today are a joke "put some cool skin packs, some pew pew's, online features, charge by the month/year and then charge more for any additional packs, helix points, blah blah, rope them in with that freemium-plan-mentality, and boom, you've got them (EA and a few others are the biggest offenders of this...) meanwhile I'm over here playing indie games on my Nintendo Switch, a bare bones device, hop in/hop out, plug n play - perfect...for my needs...I feel sorry for the First Person Shooter 2019 industry. So stale, so....dead, and lifeless. Xbox Live, may be a GOOD service. but i dont enjoy it....or have any use for it. (and I'm not a fanboy or anything, I own a variety of devices...including a desktop PC...Switch...X360....PS4 Pro...phone & tablet (for work) - among other devices. But I just want good solid, single player, open world games to explore, kill, level up, experience a story....more games like AC: Origins and Witcher 3....except LESS online features, and LESS microtransactions (esp in the former, Witcher 3 doesn't offend that way, but AC origins/Odyssey does..and they aren't bad games, infact quite good...but all those needless screens pushing you towards buying Helix points, and Skin packs, over-priced DLC that adds (at best) 4 hours of content for $25....I mean....its a bankrupt business model, and I wonder how much longer it can last.
Meanwhile I buy Hollow Knight for $15, and get a straight forward, amazing, single player experience, and over 100 hours (from a team of 2 guys with a limited budget, WELL under a million) lol.....thats when you know things are pretty bad for AAA industry.
But I guess if enough pimple popping, 17 somethings, are enjoying Apex Legends and whatever-other-random MOBA or FPS is popular at the moment, you know "lit" .....I feel like the old guy shaking his head in dismay ....and I never though I'd become that guy. lol
@dzimm: You realize if you buy the game bundled w/ a 12-month subscription (you are basically getting a 12-month subscription for $10/year instead of $20 . So $5 is good, but $10 is too much ? lol..I mean come on, even if there isnt alot of features for Nintendo Switch Online...for $10 a year (with SMM2 bundle for $69.99)
Base game = $59.99
w/ bundle (including stylus and 2 vouchers +12-months of Nintendo Switch Online) = $69.99 = $10 more for the NSO 12/months...thats $10 for a full year, that is DIRT cheap, even if all you use is the CLOUD storage for your games (which honestly was reason enough for me) I wanted cloud storage, I Do think it should of been free, but oh well, in the grand scheme, $10 (or hell at worse $20) = is basically a box of cereal, and bread & milk at the grocery store...or a fill-up at the gas station (which most humans do atleast once a week or more) lol...I understand a lack of interest - and thats fine - thats your business - but honestly you can get a 12-month subscription for $10 with this bundled game...to me if you cant afford OR aren't willing to have a service (that doesn't hurt or hinder your system) for $10/year...then what ARE you willing to accept it for ? You gotta ask yourself "how good of a service is this...at $5/a year" lol---the online service def could use some tweaking and additions (most ppl know that) but...for $10 I couldn't complain honestly.
@naasum: Yea I have to say - it may be a bit over-priced (by about $10 or so) ...its more like a $30 title. But honestly who am I to say. I'm not being defensive or anything - but If you are even remotely into platformers or action/adventure games - I would recommend picking this up. Even if it hurts the wallet a bit. You could easily sink, 20 - 30 + hours...and still have more content...its fun too, easy & smooth controls...its fun, challenging without being overly difficult - not much hand-holding either, so it strikes that "right" balance, and the hand-drawn artwork & animation may not be everyones cup of tea but FOR those who like that style - really like this game. I've already put about 12-13 hours into the game and I'm really enjoying it - having said that...I agree I wish it would be more along the lines of $19.99 or $24.99 - I mean I put 120 hours into Hollow Knight and that was $15 + free DLC packs from Team Cherry. So honestly...I think this game should be a bit cheaper, that is just me griping a bit...I still really enjoy it though.
@gustavob: "usually" ...its smash- so wont matter either way. It's already been leaked, reviewed (new ahead-of-time reviews) and massive amount of pre-orders. People have already played it, and tournaments online have already discussed and played it...at this point nothing Nintendo does will hurt Smash. With holidays coming up - it will only intensify.
Switch has Hollow Knight, and about 17 other titles I like, bigger, better system, with a brighter future. 90% of the 3DS titles are ports, occasional "trickle" of a game like FIre Emblem or some rehashed Dragon Quest title. Switch does porting better then 3DS ever could hope to...Breath of the Wild great, Hollow Knight Great, Odyssey (decent, kinda) Xenoblade 2 & Tora Country (esp the additional content) great, even the Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate runs better & looks better, Dead Cells, and A Robot Named Fight, Pokken Tournament, the upcoming Smash, hell even Dust: An Elysian Tale, and Axiom Verge, and Salt and Sanctuary, and Rogue Legacy, tons of ports, that are properly done. And the future = all switch, 3DS is dead in water. "1" decent title every few years...and I've played majority of the DS library years ago WHEN it was new...3DS was fine for its time, but I'm glad I got a switch a significantly better system. No system is perfect and I own a variety of devices but...I feel the 3DS is nothing more then a wanna-be-weak-handheld-with fledging-old-hardware-with-76% of its library being PORTS as well and rehashed DS glories. (castlevanias, fire emblems, and dragon quest titles) all of which...again...I've already played...future switch titles will not be on the 3DS, and I can name 17 titles of which I already own on the Switch that I WILL Never see on the 3DS. Hollow Knight alone was perfectly adapted to the Switch...only seen on Steam & Switch...and my god it was well worth it...I've already put about 1,400 hours on Switch (and + the satisfye gaming grip) makes it feel like a proper handheld,
When have I ever used the switch as a console port ? lol
Its 100% pure handheld for me, with tons of memory (500GB now) + online cloud storage + satisfye gaming grip (which it was fine as it was but now its even better to hold) + loads of titles, ports & 1st party titles...I can name 5-6 1st party titles just in the past 11 months. Future ? 2019, 2020, 2021, more zeldas, pokemons, donkey kong, xenoblades, metroids (tho I'm not too huge on metroid so don't care either way). Mario Odyssey was ok...but not even CLOSE to being the best Switch title.
But in the end, why does it matter ? wii u is dead, 3DS is slugging in the mud, and wii has long-been-dead, I already played the 'best' games on those devices, so I dont like going backwards, I'll just move forward, you own whatever you want...why would I care about "swaying" your opinion...like whatever you want, own whatever you want. Whether you purchase a switch or not...has no bearing on my entertainment.
Even if the Switch is a port device, it still does porting 10x better then the 3DS could ever hope to. 3DS was fine for its time, but after the last Bravely Default, Fire Emblem: Awakening, and a few crappy Etrian Odysseys, and A Link Between Worlds (which was ok) I feel like there isnt much left on the device...even the ports that I want are NOT on the 3DS...so ...but hey game on whatever you like. 3DS=the green beans that come with your dinner or side-salad, Switch=main meal. Why would I be playing the 3DS this year when I can play Hollow Knight and Dead Cells, and Binding of Isaac, and Hyper Light Drifter: Special Edition (love the additional new switch content too)..and upcoming Smash Bros Ultimate on the Switch ? those are not games I will ever see on the 3DS/2DS. I own a New 2DS XL = but it just sits and collects dust, its almost like a "wanna be companion to the Switch" Switch is a better portable device, its a better device for PORTS, and its a better device for the "slight upgrade" in hardware. So when a game like MH: Generations Ultimate comes out...and even if its a revised game...a port, why would I play that port on the 3DS when it runs & looks better on Switch ?
TL:DR its not about WHAT the switch is, its about the switch running ports BETTER. and with a much brighter future. 3DS = had its time, move on. Or..dont ...doesn't matter either way, we log off here - will forget what we posted in a matter of minutes.
I'm 38 years old, I've been gaming since the late 80s, and I own a variety of devices, not just Nintendo, or Sony or Microsoft, but PC's as well (over the years)...so there is no 1 device I prefer over the others but...fact is, the 3DS/2DS (XL and otherwise) have been at the very bottom of my entertainment list for some-time now (even before the Switch released in 2017) I already (in 1 year of ownership) think the switch is a better looking/better performing with a brighter future. And already I think it has a better lineup. Why ? simple, I already played those DS castlevanias, and those Dark Moon (Luigi's Mansion) and Majoras Mask, and Fire Emblem,s and Dragon Quests, and Metroid: Samus Returns ? really ? lol thats not even a new game. 3DS is nothing BUT ports, and rehashed glories from DS/GC/GBC/Wii- the one saving grace for the 3DS is its accessibility....that is about it. It's easy to pick up and play. But...at this point...the system just sits and collects dust with narey- a title coming out...its about time to kill the system off, and just make the Switch the primary-only-Nintendo-device in production. Its bigger & better, and (think of it like this, even if all ELSE fails to impress)
Whatever the 3DS can do, the Switch can do better...and with the only diference in price being $149.99....why not ? If you already own ANY 3DS model...then you've prob already played the "handful of greats" the system has to offer. I enjoyed the system too, but its time to move on
I am still laughing at the idea of the Switch as "console" says who ? 99% of the gamers I know...use the Switch as a handheld, 100% of the time...they have the AC adapter directly plugged into system, rests 2 feet from their bed, they can reach out grab it, launch into the bare-bones UI within seconds....and hold it for hours, nice n quiet, doesn't get hot, easy to hold (esp if you have the SATISFYE gaming grip) which makes it that much nicer...I spent a few dollars, got a HORI table top stand + 500GB Micro SD, and the Satisfye Gaming Grip...since then...I haven't even LOOKED at my New 2DS XL....in 10 months ? 11 months ? lol theres just nothing going on with it. Future 1st party franchises & ports will all be on the Switch...again not to be redundant but...over n over I can say it...3DS is the past. It had many years of entertainment, but its over. Samus Returns was the "last grasp" for the 3DS...maybe 1-2 more titles over the next year or so, I've looked around, I've checked out the horizon for the 3DS...nothing of interest, if you ask me its the OTHER way around
I tried Binding of Isaac and few other titles on the New 2DS XL/3DS XL - and didn't like it...the smaller design...w/ bigger hands the Switch feels more comfortable to me...I like the bigger screen, and of course w/ the gaming grip (a proper one) it feels right at home (for those w/ bigger hands). 3DS feels like a toy, Switch feels like a tablet.
CONVINCE someone to buy a 3DS over a Switch in late 2018/early 2019, and they will almost 100% of the time go w/. the Switch...and that isn't just fanboy[ism] either, its the fact that as it stands right now..there are more interesting ports, and more indie titles (both exclusive and ports) on the system. And with a new Switch revision sometime in the next year or so, that GAP between the two systems will only grow.
But meh if you want to point out all the switch exclusives already (in less then 2 years) ok.
1) Octopath Traveler (awesome game)
2) Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (U/NS)
3) Xenoblade Chronicles 2 & Tora Country
4) Mario + Rabbids
5) Mario Tennis Aces
6) Ghost Song (LOVE IT)
7) Hollow Knight (Steam & NS) LOVE IT
8) Super Mario Odyssey (not even close to being the best, but worthy mention)
9) Golf Story (is quite good considering, and I hate golf)
10) Splatoon 2
11) Kirby Star Allies (suprisingly enjoyable if not a bit easy)
12) Fast RMX (also a big surprise for me)
13) Pokken Tournament DX
14) ARMS (which not my thing, but I know alot of people like)
15) The World Ends with you: Definitive Edition
16) Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
17) Runner3
18) Upcoming Yoshi
19) Upcoming: Bayonetta 3
20) Upcoming: Super Smash Bros Ultimate
21) Upcoming: Metroid
22) Upcoming: New Legend of Zelda (which may not be as far off as everyone thinks)
24) Dragon Marked for Death ( a title I'm really taking interest in from so far what I've seen )
And then of course most are exclusives to the system, while others are optimized for the switch but may be on 1 other device. And then of course, that list will change into 2019...as more titles are added.
There are others as well - but I only mentioned the titles I know off-hand that are either already out or coming out. that I either already have and/or interested in. There are bigger lists out there.
BUT IMO Octopath Traveler, Xenoblade 2, and Breath of the Wild, and Hollow Knight and Dead Cells and Dragon Marked for Death and The World Ends with You are reasons ALONE to own the system.
And as the future progresses, more titles are announced, more accessories, prices change, etc, etc. Basically it can't get worse, but only better.
Agree, disagree, to each their own, but I have more then enough titles to keep occupied. As for the millenial talk...gen X vs Gen Y...whatever I was born in the very beginning of the 80s (March 8, 1980) - I don't care either way. I've been playing Pokemon since it was a new franchise, and It's not about "purists" its just...Pokemon Go and Let's Go Evee/Pikachu holds no interest for me, but a new main-line title is around the corner.
@hochstreck: While I won't argue with that...I think he means
A REAL pokemon game (LOL)
A mainline open-ended collect-them-all-8th generation Pokemon
In that regard I hope the 2019 - "next mainline" Pokemon game =
Switch exclusive and its called "Pokemon 8"
Instead of Green/blue/orange/pinks/yellow/fart-star-fairy-dust/omega super blue, divine gold LOL
Tired of colors and omegas and all that.
Just make it simple "Pokemon 8"
8th generation of pokemon, and include all the previous pokemons from previous generations (basically make this the ultimate pokemon w/ all previous revisions) sorta like Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate & the upcoming Super Smash Bros Ultimate (with a massive roster and soundtracks and levels).
I'm not too big with Pokemon Go, in any form...I can respect other people enjoying it.
But I want Pokemon X & Y...I want another game like that...just bigger, flashier, with updates mechanics. More of the same but newer & bigger. AND actually utilizing Switch hardware (while not the most powerful) it can most certainly make a better & visually appealing pokemon vs the 3DS or previous Nintendo consoles / handhelds
I love the recent Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (not being a big fan of Monster Hunter World, which most purists say is too off-the-path, its a pretty game, and did some elements well) but most purists PREFER the more hardcore mechanics of Monster Hunter Freedom/Freedom Unite, and Generations. Generations Ultimate didn't reinvigorate or change anything, it just became a massive package with everything from previous generations. A "ultra" edition if you will. It wont make any new converts but...for those loyal to the old style of "previous MH titles" will love it, as do I ...I grew up on Monster Hunter for PSP & early Wii. So its nice to see something that isn't WORLD. But at the same time, the game engine & graphics for Generations Ultimate is already pretty old...many people love it, but are saying "I wish we'd have a whole new completely built from ground up Monster Hunter utilizing Switch's hardware"
Well the point I'm making is - I would like that as well BUT also for Pokemon franchise, an entirely new BUILT from ground up Pokemon 8th generation main-line title...with the open world, trainers, gym, 700+ pokemon (and then some), and some new ones as well...not "Pokemon Quest" or "Pokemon Go" or "pokemon lets play with evee's thingy" or "Pokemon Turbular Water-Park Adventure" to me these are like "Fallout shelters" leading up to Fallout 4...we WANT the main game...these side-projects are just "tiding us over" till the real meat/main course comes out nice n hot n prepared.
So I say if its a good game, and you enjoy it - rock out...far be it for me to ruin anyones fun.
But I know being a long-time gamer (nearly 30 years) and enjoying Pokemon all the way back in the mid 90s in high school on Game Boy Color. We need a new Pokemon...lets face it, they do well - people love them (and the people who never liked pokemon will never change that opinion) Pokemon is one of those "all or nothing" franchises, most titles will not create new fans..even Pokemon Go (which as much of a craze it created) it died down pretty quickly, and when all the dust SETTLES, what is left ? the newbies & casuals (not that I have anything against non-gamer-casual-millenials playing Pokemon Go on their smartphones) hey whatever you want...my 68 year old mother plays Candy Crush, probably 1 of 2 games she's ever played in her life (outside Pong and....Wii Bowling) lol...meanwhile I've played 100s of games, across consoles, handhelds and PCs...and while I can't say I'm the most dedicated Pokemon fan, I've played several generations, and sometimes its annoying to hear the "purists" talk...but in this case, its true...a new rebuilt modern Pokemon main-line game...would be very nice. I know its coming...but still. Let's see some more info...I guess E3 2019...or one of the 384763437465 Nintendo Tree-house events in 2019 will show-case both Metroid & Pokemon 8 (thats what I'm calling it till theres a more official branding).
Either way, I wasn't trolling or bashing anyone, enjoy whatever you like.
But I know what he means when he says "real" pokemon...its not really meant as an insult..more or less we all know what he means. REAL=mainline.
I am also one of those people...I will wait...I have enough titles on my pallet. (not palette, literally pallet) lol. PS4 Pro + Switch + New 2DS XL + PC, I still have AC: Odyssey, RDR2, upcoming Darksiders III, upcoming: smash Bros Ultimate, and spending time with MH: Generations Ultimate (which is the first monster hunter for me since Wii U's 3G)....so I don't need to spend $49.99 or $59.99 for a new Pokemon "side entree" I'll wait till summer of fall of 2019 when the next major installment releases.
@tsunami2311: I love Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn - literally the best MMO on the market, and a damn good story (to compete even w/ single player ARPGS) its just THAT good. The remaking/reimagining of the game (there is a documentary on youtube, a 5-part documentary) its awe-inspiring. Maybe FF XV didn't turn out as expected, but FF XIV A Realm Reborn and subsequent DLC/expansions...has been a great game, that is holding strong after several years with an ever-increasing fan-base. Maybe that is where their future is, cause FF XIV is chock FULL of actual game-play, actual content, and some damn-good storytelling. No game is perfect of course, but that game has only gotten better (and considering the ORIGINAL form Final Fantasy XIV came as...the fact that it got negative reviews widespread, and they admitted fault, and lack of this, that and the other - and went back into the drawing board, and over the next few years revitalized the title, and completely gave it a major make-over...improving upon literally every aspect and then some. The game that came out 4 years later...was a much different beast, and now (several years later) has become an even better game. So I can't speak to Final Fantasy offline anymore, maybe online is the way to go for SQE. They have an ace-in-the-hole with Final Fantasy XIV. And alot more ground to cover. Considering the amount of post-release content updates.
Itzsfo0's comments