@nerveagentuk: its the same version, game devices are toys...none of this stuff matters, i have all the devices. PC collects dust sometimes, and at other games I use it....gaming is just something to pass the time, has been that way for me for 25+ years. I'd take a Switch and a few indies over most games anyway. Hollow Knight was done with less then 100k $$, and a small team on a small LCD screen on a $300 handheld lol. RDR2 will be more then fine on the Xbox One X. I dont need much more. Toys to pass the time. PC/console/handheld/VR - doesn't really matter to me. I've seen the best of what a PC can offer, doesn't impress me anymore then anything else. No hate, or baggage, or trolling - you like what you like, buy it on what you want. I'd rather get RDR2 on Xbox One X, after the holidays, and a few months go by.
Buy it pre-owned, reduced price, enjoy 100-120-130-140 hours, (cause I know my experiences on any device console or handheld) I enjoy them equally as much as any PC version...but if its the watered down version, fine by me. Just a toy, just a hobby. I like all the devices (I've done my fair share of gaming on all devices over nearly 3 decades of gaming)...I just dont really care about specs, spec comparisons, and whenever I've been told by people online "to not play that game on ___said device" I never listen, and I end up enjoying...you know that saying your opinions are shaped by your experiences, well I'm 38 years old...been gaming since the late 80s...and I do it all (indie/AAA), console / handheld / PC (a variety of genres within software) you name it...I don't do fanboy[ism]....it can be Sega, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Apple, Samsung, Vizio, Lenovo, LG, HP, etc, etc. All the same to me, expensive electronic toys. PC's for me are more "workstations" then anything. Occasional light-gaming. Hook up a blue-tooth controller...launch steam or...Blizzard launcher...but 90% of my gaming is on Xbox One X or Nintendo Switch...and I've had 0 issues, failures, disconnects, crashes...I don't pre-order games (haven't since Final Fantasy VII on PSX)...didn't care then (21 years ago) about specs or spec-comparisons, and don't care today in 2018. I think alot of the younger generation that are very invested in their "rigs" and having top-end-cutting-edge experiences...and thats fine, but for them its important
Me ? lmao shit...720p on a Switch...and I'll get more then enough entertainment. Kiddies play PC, kiddies play console, Kiddies play handhelds, adults play console, adults play PC, adults play handhelds. Period. It shouldn't matter...what you play on...or what the reason is. Hey you wanna wait...more power to you (and I don't mean that sarcastically or arrogantly). I dont get hurt or offended by ones-gaming-preferences. Again...whenever I've seen debates/arguments over the years online...about PC vs console, or console vs console (or any you know...spec-related debate) I just imagine in my head 3 chubby teenagers on a playground surrounded by mulch and swing-sets...arguing "my leapfrog is better then your leapfrog, it looks brighter, and runs a bit faster"....kids arguing over toys....thats literally what it is. 4k/60fps/HDR....meh...cool, but...I am not willing to buy a new PC, build one, even look for one...the one I have (Asus all-in-one) is several years old...I'm older, tired, and burned out...just give me a single box, and 1 controller, couch-lock, a bowl pack of medical grade cannabis...and just let me game...I'll play RDR2 in early 2019 (after its been a few months) on Xbox One X...on a 1080P w/ (the mode where I choose performance over visuals) and with patches n everything already implemented...and I'll enjoy it just fine.
No need to pre-order, no need to day 1...I never do (software or hardware). I've never utilized a micro-transaction, ...I rarely play online...I have 0 interest in RDR2 online...just like GTA V..or any other game for that matter. Just care about the single player/campaign. That's the great thing about indie games....they don't require beast-machines w/ top end specs to run. They look the same regardless if its on Switch, PS Vita, Xbox One, or PC. AAA is different of course...but just...not enough for me. I just play single player games, 1 at a time, on console or handheld, and occasionally on PC...and I enjoy, rinse, n repeat (onto next game). I've got enough games to play now as well, I can hold off a few months on RDR2... 720, 900p, 1080p, 30fps, 40fps, 50fps, 60fps...I'm no videophile, or audiophile...those are just words to me...spec talk is like "zzZZzzZ" its like old men talking about car parts, auto-body repair lol...same thing to me..like...just give me a damn car...a V6, some average run of the mill Chevy Malibu...I don't need a high end sports car to get from point A to point B....I get there just the same w/ the economical, mid-range priced every-day vehicle. LOL that is my metaphor for gaming....it all gets me to the same place.
But I'm not bashing or hating anyone, or criticizing...you game on whatever you please - I just think its a bit goofy to worry about watered down vs vastly superior versions (though I would disagree about "vastly" ...superior yes..but not vastly) Xbox One X RDR2 vs a $700-$800 mid-range performance desktop is not going to be a massive difference. Not enough to warrant waiting for (a year, or two)...I can wait a few months, as I do with most games....another example = recent release AC: Odyssey. I am playing it right now (just got it literally 2 days ago) and the recent patch....performance upgrade...on X1X...and I'm loving it....,looks and runs fine, No game is perfect of course...but its MORE then enough. As it usually is. Maybe that is just me...I don't have as high expectations...and I am fine with that. Just go game. I never "order" anything in gaming, I buy games MONTHS after released, REDUCED PRICE, physical, single-player, offline, on console...enjoy, complete. Onto next game. I've yet to be let down, or have a major crash or issue or (a system bricking).
None of these "horror" stories of console gaming have ever effected me...so Idk. maybe its luck ? /shrug....I guess its like I said way above..."your preferences/opinions are guided by your experiences" . And most of mine have been pretty good across ALL devices (PC/console/handheld/VR) ...well I would say that I've had far more issues with PC's (not so much the actual games, but....just in general...with wiring, or run-time errors, or blue-screens, or OS -desktop freeze'ups, or bluetooth issues, compatibility issues, loading apps in backround & anti-virus programs, etc) sometimes I am too lazy to care about top-end-cutting-edge tech....I just want a single box, 1 HDMI cable, 1 controller, 1 power port/input...hit 1 button, turn system on, launch digital game (or physical)...play...enjoy. That is just me though
@nsa_protocol44: Fine by me. Dont care either way. I Have all devices. just not my preferred platform. Shouldn't matter, got more games then I could ever finish. Been gaming 30 years, came to PC, and then left. I say play on whatever you want, I dont know why people "care" about what other people play on. I could give 2 squats what someone else plays on...its a hobby to waste time. Nothing more.
I enjoy it, simply put, i never cared about scores, lol @ all this...comments, debates, over what amounts to as "opinions" thats is...scores = from so called pro reviewers = just another well-worded opinion.
theres this thing called a demo (which you can delete after you've played it, gotten a "taste" and had your full) I played it and its my first since the PSP MHFU (Freedom Unite) from 2005-2006 era, so for me it feels fresh, as for nintendo caring about hardware, its a handheld (maybe its a hybrid by definition) but majority of ppl are using the device as a handheld, and it works just fine, its not a powerhouse (and was never intended to be) but that doesn't mean nintendo doesn't care about the hardware, consequently this game is better then World...and LMAO as for "caring about hardware" LMFAO you are a self-ball of contradictions as if SONY or Microsoft (with their underwhelming systems, day 1 content crashes, microtransactions galore, "mid cycle system refreshes" that BARELY scratch the surface so called 4k systems DONT even really run true 4k...cant even hold a stable frame-rate for MOST of the library that is on the said systems (PS4 Pro / Xbox 1 X) you think sony and microsoft care so much that they made strong powerful well rounded systems out of the gate ? Nope. THey are half-assed mid-generation refreshes that MANY would agree aren't much better (hell the PS4 Pro has trouble running 1080p (FHD) @ 60fps much less 4k at 30fps, locked frame rates so dont give me that crap about SONY & Microsoft caring, and nintendo not caring LMAO. They are just as bad if not worse. Atleast we KNOW what Nintendo was intending w/ the switch
"the good one" ...that a good joke thanatos. lol when you get world, and have 3 diff graphical options...none of which are spectacular unless you dish out the good UHDTV (which even then) its nothing special
a small underpowered handheld has a better Monster Hunter on a budget...that says something.
@sakaixx: i enjoy it, simply put, i never cared about scores, lol @ all this...comments, debates, over what amounts to as "opinions" thats is...scores = from so called pro reviewers = just another well-worded opinion.
theres this thing called a demo (which you can delete after you've played it, gotten a "taste" and had your full) I played it and its my first since the PSP MHFU (Freedom Unite) from 2005-2006 era, so for me it feels fresh, as for nintendo caring about hardware, its a handheld (maybe its a hybrid by definition) but majority of ppl are using the device as a handheld, and it works just fine, its not a powerhouse (and was never intended to be) but that doesn't mean nintendo doesn't care about the hardware, consequently this game is better then World...and LMAO as for "caring about hardware" LMFAO you are a self-ball of contradictions as if SONY or Microsoft (with their underwhelming systems, day 1 content crashes, microtransactions galore, "mid cycle system refreshes" that BARELY scratch the surface so called 4k systems DONT even really run true 4k...cant even hold a stable frame-rate for MOST of the library that is on the said systems (PS4 Pro / Xbox 1 X) you think sony and microsoft care so much that they made strong powerful well rounded systems out of the gate ? Nope. THey are half-assed mid-generation refreshes that MANY would agree aren't much better (hell the PS4 Pro has trouble running 1080p (FHD) @ 60fps much less 4k at 30fps, locked frame rates so dont give me that crap about SONY & Microsoft caring, and nintendo not caring LMAO. They are just as bad if not worse. Atleast we KNOW what Nintendo was intending w/ the switch
@unfriendlytoast: I just like Hollow Knight far more, the pick up and play is much easier, the lore & back story is far deeper, and richer, and the world design to Hollow Knight is much richer, with better controls, more epic boss fights I cant recommend Salt and Sanctuary, its just a derivative, snooze fest, with forgettable bosses, the bosses in Hollow Knight have videos and dedication videos and lore debates to them, the soundtracks are epic, they can be challenge, and Hollow Knight does exploration & challenge just right (some say too challenge, some say not challenging enough) for me it hits the sweet spot, Salt though = not challenging at all, 1 attempt at each fight and I was bored...S&S is ok, however having played both I recommend HOllow knight FAR far more...its as good as they say its on here. But you know as said in private message, no big deal. Dead cells is great too, the randomization is what I like, I dont like the sprite based look to Salt...its just not that good.
Itzsfo0's comments