@DutchmasterNYC: Actually you can attach 2. As for the animal skin falling off - when the horse takes a tumble
if it didnt fall off it would be even CHEAPER, like wtf ? is a pelt supposed to stick to a horses rear-end when it falls like super glue or something ? LOL how fake and unrealistic would that be to have a pelt STAY glued on a horse upside down. good glad it falls off. get better, less tumbles. They tied pelts onto their horses, but when a horse falls or is injured, those pelts don't stay onto the horse...
I have no issue with this, and you can attach more then 1 pelt to your horse you realize that ? 3 total by end game. look up PS Riding-Attachment's (its in game).
@galfasanta1111: ill just stick w/ d3 - being the best one by far. who cares about the rest, so if they want a cash grab for mobile, cool - just dont play it. They dont owe diablo gamers squat. besides the cereal looks better
@killerious: desperate, yet a few billion in profits. lol you look into things far too much. they aren't desperate for anything, just wanna make more money and cash in on trends. so what, lol you realize blizzard's quarterly revenue from 2016 to present day have all been in the green right ? they've generated 4.78 billion from 2008 to 2017. They hired more employees in recent years, and expanded their offices - they arent hurting or grasping or crying for anything, they dont care - period, and want to cash out on a trend. It's to be expected, so just move on.
@jagdedge124: Not me, no reason to wait for such a game. The more I hear, the more I'm excited. I'll wait a month or so. Get it before christmas, and considering how definitive editions go - years from now, no thanks. But to each their own. Plenty of other titles out there, but I'm sure this will be the best one after seeing the BRD videos.
Oh and sales are on spot, they are already pre-orders that of 20% higher then their previous 2 titles. So I think it will be along Witcher/Skyrim level of sales. 20-30 million units solid, 60+ GOTY awards, acclaim, etc. Either way a "Rockstar game" even if it doesn't sell as expected, it will still be a huge profit for the company & success no matter which way you dice it. Rockstar has already released 2 bits of statistical info on (pre-orders, digital pre-orders, etc) so far from what I've seen the #'s are as expected. TL:DR - Universal Acclaim & 10s of million of units sold (just like ES V: Skyrim, Witcher 3, Overwatch, TLoZ: BOTW, GTA V, etc) I think its a "ace in the hole" sort of situation, no matter how you look at it. No I don't think RDR2 will have the massive appeal of GTA V...for obvious reasons (being a bigger franchise, etc) but....it will without question do very well, sell 15-25 million units, and over the months (more purchases will stream in). I don't day-1 anything..I just wait....physical copy + reduced price, post-holiday....(8 weeks or so) I'll wait, but...a year...or more for a COMPLETE or Definitive Edition, no thanks...LOL I don't want to wait that long sorry. I completely understand "I have tons to play now" but I am one of those people who...even if I am playing games I like now...I try to finish the current one as fast as possible, just so I can jump into this game in the next few weeks/months. Besides I have the Xbox One X + nice 65" HDTV. lol so if its as good as it is on PS4 Pro (pre-release digital code) as this reviewer had a copy of...I'm sure physical version (patched for 2 months) by the time I get it for Xbox One X, will be as good if a bit better in some areas (graphically, smoothness, etc)...like "It cant be any worse when I get it" type thing, only better. More time + a bit more powerful machine....I'm sure I'll be more then pleased. No game is perfect, and I understand the apprehension with "hype machines" but...LOL sometimes there is just a game where...you know..."yea...this one will be great regardless" ...a masterpiece is too soon to tell, but I'm...feeling strong vibes here...I wont even read 99% of the comments all over the web...why debate...what comes down to as "OPINION" ? I'll buy in late december, on Xbox One X...new Recon Tech controller, new TV...everything new & setup. I am finishing Celeste on Switch, and AC: Odyssey on Xbox One X, but soon as I am done with those 2 titles...onto this beast. It's a beast, no matter which way you break it down. A massive project, with massive hype, massive sales...and this gen people know Red Dead (the name as awhole) alot more then they did in 2008, the hype has been building / bubbling for alot longer then OTHER titles/previous entries...so I have a feeling Rockstar's quarterly revenue from End of year (Q4 2018) and Q1-Q2 2019 will be massive. Digital downloads, physical purchases, steel-book editions, strat guides, posters, figureines, special purchases in-game, the launching of the online chunk/portion of the game in coming months...yea.....lol Rockstar (atm) and in near-future will...not be complaining. The wheels are turning, its official, reviews are in, sales are streaming...nothing changes that. I am apprehensive too, and (being an older game) hate to make assumptions, and call something "best ever" when its so new...and just releasing, but I think in this particular case, we can do that lol. But I am not trolling or bashing or criticizing anyone for waiting..I am too, I'm just not waiting as long. I DO want to play this, regardless what negative aspect may come out of it...I have a feeling
TL:DR the positives will far farrrr outweigh the negatives lol
It just looks...(I just watched a video of Arthur skinning a "legendary bear"...) this is Xbox One X version, retail edition...10 hours early for the OP/youtuber who posted it. Yea ...it just looks...yea lol first comment I saw was "just look at this godamn game" lol but...waiting a few weeks/months (long as I don't get hit by a car, or die from the bird flu or some crazy shit) is fine by me. I haven't done a pre-order since Final Fantasy VII (On PSX in Sept. 1997) lol I was a junior in high school then. I've never done a microtrasnaction, and I don't do fanboyism either...I own a variety of devices (Xbox One X/Xbox 360...now retired/Wii U+Gamepad/Switch/Asus desktop PC (Including Blizz Launcher & Steam w/ Pro Controller via bluetooth) /Phone/New 2DS XL...basically everything but the PS4/PS4 Pro (only b/c I haven't gotten around to it).
But I buy games usually 2-3 months after release, a few "post release bug fixing, 1-2 patches, frame rate stability, etc) ....IE AC: Odyssey I just started playing (and its been streamlined even more so..and runs better then launch day...obviously). SO that will keep me busy for basically remainder of 2018....before that it was Celeste, before Celeste it was Hollow Knight (I do 1 game at a time...complete the main/single-player/campaign (not huge into online gaming, I was at one point...FPS, MMOs, WoW..D2...FF XI: Online...in past years)...but nowadays I'm back to the basics...burned out on headsets/screaming players...the "online" infrastructures of any game no longer interest me...so I'm looking at RDR2 as a "one n done, 1 time playthrough...if I get 120-150 hours...completionist/single-play through of main game + all side content, and tons of exploration) = my moneys worth. $49.99 for pre-owned 2-3 months down the road. Thats the way I'm looking at it. And that is fine.
@videogameninja: I liked the far cryish / parkour of Dying Light: The Following, not so much a scary title, but def better then the Dead Island titles. I enjoyed RE7 too, I wrote a post above (to another person) about my favorite RE titles...^
@craigtl: I loved a few others though as well. (i agree with RE1 and RE2) though RE1 is the better of the two. But RE3 was quite fun as well. ...and I loved RE4 on Wii Edition...4 is often considered among the best (up there with 1 & 2)
Even if you disagree thats fine, but overall theres several (half a dozen) decent RE titles.
RE3: Nemesis
RE4 (Wii/GC Edition)
RE Revelations
are among my favorites.
(But thats me...only speaking for myself. I am 37 years old...so I was a teenager as well in the mid to late 90s...I grew up in same era...been gaming well over 25+ years). RE4 & RE7 & RE3 are among my favorites though (personally). I love the corridor crawling in RE3 (esp 2nd half of game). Funny fact RE3 = was an inspiration for (at the time a 20-something young developer/writer wanting to break into Hollywood) Edgar Wright (the guy who created/writed - helped develop Shaun of the Dead) he was featured recently on Eli Roth's History of Horror. The first episode on AMC (about zombies, and a tribute to the Romero-films over 35 years). Edgar Wright described he being 25-26 years old in 1999/2000 an the turn of the decade and playing RE3: Nemesis on PSX. His girlfriend had went away for weekend to visit family. He promised not to stay up for several days into the wee-hours of the AM playing video games...and he did just exactly that lol. He played RE3, 3 days straight...sunday AM he woke up yawned, and in his clothes walked to the store (local corner store there in Dorset/England) to get milk & mix for tea. That is where he came up with the idea of walking to the store early in the film, where Shaun is unaware of whats going on..>Zombies represented anarchy...and he was unaware...even as he slips in the blood when picking up a soda can from refrigerator inside store. It came to him when he was walking and thinking "well here in England we don't really have guns, or easy access anyway...what would happen right now if Zombies appeared....how WOULD I react, and what would I use for protection" . LOL a game that inspires a thought that inspires part of what would be a hit film for the turn of the decade.
A bit off topic (sorry) hope your eyes aren't bleeding anyway...RE7 is great, and a great return to roots after the more "first person shooter style" of RE5 and 6...6 was a straight disappointment...more QTE's then anything lol. RE5 felt more like Gears of War in a darker setting. But RE4 remains my favorite, then 3...then 1 then 7.
Itzsfo0's comments