Since they wont bother listening to the outcries over bigger maps there is only one thing that will save Sim City and that is the release of mod tools to the game.
I'm sure some of you are the same but its become one of those games that you think, "only one more go and if it f*cks up thats the last time." but three times was enough for me.
Call me a fan boy, stupid, unintelligent or whatever but I seriously think Microsoft have wasted time and money on this, liked Windows 8 and never had problems, with some games there and there but nothing serious.
The tablet market didn't just boom out of no-where, it took time, money and patience, Google grew from a small room business to a giant corporation because it work at it, not by copying the trend and doing what the small minority write in blogs, teenagers flashing their iPhones etc.
Microsoft, do the same and everything will be alright, iron out bugs, look for new innovations and maybe try and design the 'scroll' form computer that Gates joked about once with Jobs at a conference some years ago?
Yeah and by not fixing it all they have done is destroy the very cities *ahem* villages, that we have taken hours to build with the Fire Crews not putting out fires, Police not locking up criminals and Trash not getting cleared up.
What did EA think of, let their customers build cities and then with their game design let them turn a bunch of mini Detroit's?
This has nothing to do with Religion so not sure why people are crying so much around here.
The issue is the tax, as per usual U.S. Governments have been using whatever they can, in this case someone with influence, to promote a problem that doesn't exist. Another Government program, another tax for you guys, they lost their "Gun Control" debate now they are trying new ways to show "oh look we are doing something."
Anything that comes out of VP Joe Biden's mouth is not going to be useful now is it? Wasn't he the same moron who talked about Women should use Shotguns?
Maybe I missed something in the article as I believe quite a few here have.
I agree that if you buy the game it's yours, the license is given by the Manufacturer/Developer or whatever to you and therefore you own it, for life if you wish.
Bethesda have said and I quote from the article...
"Absolutely it's a concern," Hines said. "We have tried to mitigate it by creating games that offer replayability, by supporting them with DLC that's worth hanging onto the game for, or offering tools that let them take things further"
He is not targetting second hand gamers or anyone, he's peeved of himself because he likes to see gamers keep games and not sell them otherwise it replayability, as they put it, is not there. Nothing wrong with that.
I believe in free market and its so should they so if anyone wants to sell it off then they should be entitled to do so, end of story.
It's strange Hugoboss0889, I guess you have seen what happens after the credits show after the game ends? Scene with Bob Page and Reed?
Well based on that it appears the Hyron Project is destroyed at Panchaea and with it Adam Jensen.
I read somewhere, although I think its bull, that they manage to get Adam Jensen back to life, in other words he never died and turn him into what becomes Walton Simons.
Knowing me and others we will probably end up buying the game but can't help that when I hear that voice I will end up closing the game.
Nothing against the man who did the voice for this game but sorry it would be the the same as making a Deus Ex sequel and getting the voice actor for Homer Simpson to do a womans voice.
Got to play the game and it went okay, need to figure out the stats, how to maximise area (which is difficult enough) and build good regions.
The online connection? Yes we all knew it was BS but what else could you do? The game was to launch with a must online connection and we're still complaining?
The review was good and I must accurate, it doesn't mean you can not enjoy but my word they have screwed up their priorities, so much focus on the beta, they were overwhelmed with support from the community and their response to all of this was to be unprepared.
JJMikhail's comments