@Gravity_Slave @JJMikhail Well there's no harm in trying but I'm no good at it so sorry not the one for sex advice friend.
From films and war documentaries I have never seen it happen hence my comment but the reviewer is assessing it as playing the game rather than real life conflict, unless of course he's been in the warzone and I haven't.
The last paragraph talks about "cooking a grenade".
Lets face it what are the chances of one cooking a grenade in the middle of a warzone? Its unclip and throw 99% of the time. True, would be good if you could but at least one game maker is not thinking of COD whilst building this game.
It sounds like a great idea but lets see what Sony think of my Virgin Media 100MB Fibre Optic connection.
Firstly, it's not consistent as I don't fast speeds during the day, I have even had letters from Virgin Media stating that speeds during the day are slower and to use the internet more during nights. Not sure what they're playing at, I pay for a service and I expect the speed any time, simple fraud and false advertising.
Secondly, today just now, for some reason, I have had slow speed issues when playing videos at 360p on youtube, how the bloody hell is it going to be when playing games on the cloud?
In conclusion one thing I have learnt over time is not to sell the console you already have, lesson learnt from the Xbox to Xbox 360. Had plenty of games, the promise of allowing us to play with the backward technology was a complete farce and a simple opportunity for Microsoft and Sony to leach more money from us. Not happening this time.
No ladies and gentlemen, this will tried and they will see how much money they can make of it, Microsoft will follow suit. It's as if these guys work a simulator, looking at where they can the most money and in what places, perhaps they are seeing something we don't?
Unless these consoles really show their power and ability like the most powerful PC's then I will consider buying otherwise more "clapping like seals" at conferences and gimmicks attached to Games then I am definitely out.
The console industry has fallen apart since the N64.
Amazing isn't how these are the games that will be forever remembered and not the wrecked COD games that have just simply plundered the gamers pockets by recreating a story using same gameplay over and over again?
Journey joins Deus Ex and Command & Conquer in my view, a game that will be played many many times for the years to come.
Shame these guys now join Ion Storm and Westwood Studios.
JJMikhail's comments