@unreal101 @JJames3dCG Whatever. I don't even know why I bother to comment on GameSpot. Nothing but infants around here. I'm not saying one is better than they other, just that everyone prefers one over the other. And instead of choosing one, like the title of the video implies, they just say "we like em both, we'll get them both." Leave it to babies like you, to instigate some Sh!T.
@groowagon @SlimeSwayze Have you played it? How can you call the game bad, if you haven't played it, see an above post of mine to get a real impression of the game.
@digits52 I do remember those days. And as much as I like some of the "pretty games" we get these days, I'd trade it all in a heartbeat, for half the heart and soul that games of the 8-16bit era had.
@megakick Right. There's nothing holding them to making a hyper-real looking game. More power is more power. They can utilize it however they want. And it's not just GG, it's all devs. If the industry wants to focus more on cool game mechanics and new innovative games/ideas, we're going to have to stop spending YEARS of dev time on making things looks shinny and reflecting shadows true to real life.....can't wait when we finally move past this.....that or the industry crashes, whichever comes first.
@jimbothef @naomha1 Like you know anything about anything. You don't know what's involved in making an MMO. You don't know what's involved in starting a gaming company. You also DON"T KNOW the inner workings/details of the whole story, and for you to presume you do, says it ALL about "what you know." The guy above you "naomha1" said it best. People need to go for it in life. And he did. Things just didn't go as planned. Whether that's his fault or many many others' fault, we (as uninformed gamespot readers) will never really know. But 75 million, to start a company, hire a team of VERY talented people, and pay them for years to work on, produce, and publish this game, is NOT crazy spending.
So, save your nonsensical BS statements about Curt mismanaging things, and shutty.
Wow, you know things are bad when a company has to come out and say they like the D-Bag nickname "Xbone", they were given as a slap in the face. LOL Poor Xbone, back to the dog house for you.
@Primeyuri It's not censored for nudity, but for gross violence....Which more than likely means that when she shoots herself in the head at the end, it won't show blood and brains spewing out the back, instead it will fade to black, or simply pan up.
@Scorpion1813 See but the FFXIII sequels are basically just copies of one another, with added dialog, and costumes....oh ya, and different colored enemies!!! By tweaking just a few things, they are able to resell the same game, three times. This is how they are recouping the major losses from such a disappointing main entry in the Final Fantasy series, XIII. So there's no hope of seeing XV release date until the make their money back and then some. Hoping this third lightning game will finally tip the scales, so we can get XV, but since no release date has been given, we may yet see something like FFXIII-3/2!!!
JJames3dCG's comments