Basically, it wasn't a core franchise, so it didn't get the attention it needed to be completed. Instead, we got 6 ASSCreeds, and now WatchDogs. Here's hoping WatchDogs isn't just a reskinned ASSCreed.
1) They won't release it this year on next-gen due to the fact that they want console gamers to buy it twice.
2) They say there's no plans for portable devices, but all PS4 titles are supposed to be playable via Vita, so that's portable.
3) They say there's no confirmation about it coming to XBone, but if they are bringing it out on 360, there's no issue with M$ so they will bring it to Xbone if they are doing next-gen at all, which they are as stated with PS4. Then they go on to say "that launching in 2014 will allow Blizzard time to create unique features for *EACH* platform"meaning that it WILL be on Xbone as well. Rife with inaccuracies.
@MajahretDiviera 100% true. I too went to school, for computer animation. The money I'm now in debt is NOT worth the schooling that I went through. And all the information I received from the school, I have found 10-fold online, and better too, AND FREE! Places like CGTalk, 3D cafe, and the ones listed aboce by MajahretDiviera.
@Toysoldier34 @MajahretDiviera That is a lie. Especially in the game industry. You know what they wanna see, ABOVE ALL ELSE??? Your portfolio. A showing of your work, either on your website, on DVD, or in paper form mailed in. That's what they care about. You can have all the schooling you want, but at the end of the day, if you can't SHOW THEM your talent, your degree means squat.
I really hate how devs now use this crap, easy to pick up but hard to master, to appeal to a wider audience. It's a slap in the face. If a system is accessible to everyone, it CANNOT by nature, be a system that is also difficult to master.
Here's a suggestion, Hey devs, if you want to please both the core AND casual crowd, then start putting in MORE WORK. create the "easy to pick up so anyone can play" mechanic (game setting known as "EASY") then have a separate mechanic for the core (AKA "Normal" or "Hard"). Not just add more life to the enemy and we die in one hit. How about acutally having EASY and HARD modes. With easy being filled with QTE, for those that can't play and just wanna watch. Then the normal or hard mode has you actually using the analog stick with timed, comboed, button presses, with counters and the works!!
May take more work, but THIS is how you cater to both crowds....The way you have done it, has guaranteed this game to be a 6.5/10 at best. Why waste all those years of research, development, art, and design.....Do it right, or not at all. When will they learn?
Man Fu@k GameSpot. You watch this video and the 36 things about Xbox and you can see what I mean. Xbox360 video is 2min of praise, and 50 or so seconds of complaint. This PS3 video is 4+ mins long, and the WHOLE THING is knock after knock after knock on all things PlayStation. Anytime they did mention something good it was immediately followed up with something hateful. Just sucks, cause while PS3 did have it's faults, I think it prevailed as the console of choice for so many reasons. This video is not a great remembrance piece, it's a F U letter to PS3 users.
Anyone else watch both this video and the PS3 36 things....Notice how this one only says "Red Ring" not the "Red Rind of Death"....but on the PS3 they don't simply say "Yellow light" they say "Yellow Light of Death". Why? Especially given how popular the phrase, "RedRingofDeath" is/ Likewise YLod was pronounced as spelled more than it was called Yellow Light of Death. Just i interesting to see GameSpot deliberately say what they said. Check it out for yourselves!
JJames3dCG's comments