This is what I've been saying for about 5 years now. That we are re-treading too much of the same ground in video games. The uniqueness of games in the 8 and 16bit era is what made it such a great time for gaming. These days, games are fantastic, but I RARELY feel like I'm playing something "new" or "unique."
"Ya, who wants to have fun when they're playing a game, I mean come on!" The swipe to kill mechanic is the selling feature of this damn game. It's different and fun, and something NEW!!! Shut the FU@K up and enjoy a new game!
It's not hard to lift your thumb up and swipe the screen and be right back on the analog sticks in less than a millisecond.
Ya DragonAge3 hasn't shown us much to be fair, but it's in the exact same realm of RPG as the Witcher3 and of what I've seen, DA3 is crap and unimaginative compared to the Witcher 3. Why after so long have we seen nothing for DA3 and seen so much from the Witcher3 when they are both due out the same time next year? Because DA3 is another dud, that's why.
@Sevenizz @JJames3dCG Normally I wouldn't reply, but I have such a profound hatred for both COD and stupidity....that I just had to. First of all, I wouldn't use COD as a "slur" if I played and enjoyed it. Secondly, yes it is offered on both systems, but the 360 has become synonymous (look it up) with FPS games. Now, calm yourself, and maybe think before you speak next time. You learn more that way.
@Sevenizz That must mean your 14 and you like COD. It's a matter of taste. And children just like to shoot sh!t in the head, H-E-A-S-H-O-T!!!! BONUSSSSS!!!
Isn't this the World of Tanks guy that came out on stage at E3 boasting how great WoT's would be on the 360. How it CAN'T work anywhere else, and this is the BEST environment for this game!!! Remember? I know I remember hearing that, and thinking what a tool. Now here he is in a private article, talking about how "unacceptable" the F2P model is with Microsoft, and how he'll have to "tolerate" the must buy gold account in order to play it. Not the same song and dance now, as it was on the E3 stage is it.
Sounds like a desperate plea by the DW8 Director, to get more copies of their game sold. If people hated the 360 in Japan for the last almost decade, I don't see the X1, with all the Japan snubbing it's been doing, and restrictions, being picked up by Japan either.
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