“Our goal in any product is to try and grow the audience,” Gibeau explained Notice how he said his GOAL in ANY PRODUCT is to "Grow the audience".....Shouldn't the goal be to make a great game....then the audience will come. Not EA, they've got it all backwards. Which is why so many of their games get bought up by millions, then people complain about how it wasn't worth their time or money. That's because EA's GOAL is to "grow the audience" not deliver an excellent game!
@platformer_fan @JJames3dCG @atlanticmoon And who do you think made that decision? And who made the decisions to cut employees? And made the choice to cut top executives bonus? Right...Kaz didn't have a hand in any of that did he? Wake up, and think before you type. Kaz made hard cuts in places that others wouldn't. He's doing WHAT he can WHEN he can. Same with ALL the smart moves being made with everything PS4 related.
@atlanticmoon Ya, and he deserved it with all he did to return that sinking ship to profitability. You can bet he has a LOT more coming his way if he can keep this up.
@chucknorris86 @JJames3dCG @HairyMetalHead Ok, guess I should have said, not invested in new games, new IP. Of course they will always invest in their infrastructure, they still have live TV to push on people, and they want that to be FAST! GO CLOUD!!!
@HairyMetalHead @JJames3dCG That's the joke....That MS would do something like that, as they don't really invest in games....that's what this would make the 1billion invested in games statement ring true....as they would be invested 3/4th that money into something non-game related....like MS does.
Wow, that's getting into symantics man. The point is, most parents/adult non-gamers buy based on the method I described above. Regardless of the additional purchases. Maybe Uncle Joe buys the game. Maybe cousin Sally buys the extra controller. But the console, being $50 more, isn't that much. It's just enough to make uninformed shoppers feel like they are getting the "best of the best" for just a few dollars more. The concept is proven. Rational smart consumers like you and I may not fall for it, but uninformed non-gaming adults will.
@eddieham13 That may be true for us core gamers, but for the mom in the store, that's shopping for a present for her kids....She sees the Wii U for $350 and the looks over and sees the PS4 is only $50 bucks more? That makes it WAY easier for her to say, wow let's get him this better console for $50 more. Consumers are really bad about buying something that costs just a little bit more, than it's competitor. For example, a remote controlled car, there's a $24.99 model and a $34.99 model. They both look similar, which do you get? Some will choose the cheaper one, to save money, MOST will pick the slightly more expensive one, hoping they get more value outta that price jump. Nintendo is in trouble with those shopping parents and grandparents.
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