SCrew this guy. He knows NOTHING about the character. For all he knows, it could be a sexually abused youth, who grew up using her sexuality to get where she is today. Not the most upstanding character, but I guess not every character creation can be as upstanding as "master chief". People, I swear. There really isn't any hope for us as a race is there.
@zaxrider @demonkingx5 I can't tell you how often I see this going on and wonder to everyone in the comments 9 years old with no schooling?
The reason it's not coming to vita is the graphical disparity between the two systems. If they brought it to vita too, they would HAVE to redo everything to make the graphics up to snuff on the vita. So instead, they'll just stick with 3DS. Someday, when they have no projects to work on, they'll give Vita an "HD port" of it. Thanks for nothing slapcom.
@Umar Nexus You have more than a year to save up for it. Better get started, this game will be worth every penny! And they definitely deserve our support!
These games were supposed to be system sellers for the PS3. Promises that were made, and then never delivered. Games that the traditional core PlayStation fans (of the PS1 and PS2 era) love and consider the systems bread and butter. The list of "PlayStation Exclusives" that never came out is getting longer and longer...
The Last Guardian
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Final Fantasy XIV (although this one will FINALLY come out 2 1/2 months before the PS4 launch)
Granted we may one day see these games on PS4, it isn't right that we as the fan base of Sony, waited an entire generation for these games, and only one will end up being delivered, FFXIV. Granted it's better than it was years ago, it's still a title that looks and plays nothing like what the original trailers debuted it to be.
@cheese232323 It's due to all the 12-30 year old "kids" that play nothing but shooters. That's what our industry has become. Nothing new. No more surprise launch dates (like Sept or October would have been ideal for PS4. That mid Nov date really burnt my cookies) just your run of the mill, totally safe, totally expected everything. All I truly think of when I think about this current gen, and what I've seen of next-gen is just a hand with a gun, military colors, and big explosions. Makes me so disappointed for our industry.
Why no word on how many PS3's were sold? He mentioned both the 360 and nintendo. For those that are curious, PS3 has been outselling the 360 and WiiU worldwide for a while now, week after week, month after month.
So the real question is, is this about the an expansion, or an announcement about coming to PS4 at launch?
Blizzard did reveal the console version at the PS4 reveal. There's been no "official word" one way or the other about next-gen versions other than it will be later. So while I do know an expansion is coming, who's to say they announce it now? It really could PS4 announcement just as easily as the expansion announcement. Why else would they register the trademark so close to gamescom? Just to spoil the surprise? I think maybe not.
So instead of admitting the price is too high, they decided to keep it high, and just load the box down with whatever they feel will make the purchase worth the asking dollar amount. Another true example of how M$ doesn't really care about making great games/consoles, it's just about how much the can squeeze/manipulate you into doing what they want.
There's a difference between the vita working as a "Controller" for the PS4 and the Vita having remote play ability on all PS4 games. This article is a joke.
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