@amdreallyfast: It's the same actor who did the original voice. You can still hear hints of the old Megatron if you listen closely. It's a very hard voice to pull off. In this game he sounds more like Galvatron than Megs, but that's okay since they're basically the same Decepticon.
@Chatch09: Yes, that was exactly what happened. And it was a mistake. The game turned out pretty well, regardless, but it would have been even better if they had defied convention and went with an older protagonist. Ironically, the game would have sold better in the West if they had done that.
If the devs couldn't spare 200 hours to learn what Final Fantasy XII was really about (by playing the game) then they had no business even attempting this. It's sad, because it sounds like they had some really interesting ideas.
I want to believe that a bunch of guys plotting out a 10-year arc over a three month period know what they're doing, but I have grave reservations. Since the last film (which frankly wasn't all that great) made a huge amount of money, they have absolutely no incentive to change things. The thing is, a lot can happen over 10 years. People get tired of same-old same-old. People grow up and see summer fluff for what it is. Plotting a 10-year arc based on what movie-goers will accept today is a risky move. Just because Marvel can do it doesn't mean everyone else can or should, and the Marvel films are quite a bit better as a whole than what Michael Bay has given us.
People are going to grow wise to the fact that this movie series is missing a lot of the magic that made Transformers a hot property in the first place. In my opinion, the best move for the producers is to scrap the Micheal Bay continuity altogether and reboot the series from the beginning. That way a 10-year arc might actually excite people.
Having just finished The Last of Us and Left Behind for the first time on the PS4, I have to say this game is a borderline masterpiece. It is the best cinematic style game I have played to date. The flaws are so nitpicky that they almost aren't worth mentioning. Whether this warrants a perfect score is debatable (the only game I've ever given a 10 to is Chrono Trigger), but what isn't debatable in my eyes is that The Last of Us deserves a better score than Gamespot gave it.
I know mobile is the hot thing right now. Everyone wants a piece of the action on a platform that has the potential of reaching just about everybody. The problem with Konami ditching AAA development and doubling down on mobile is, well... everyone wants a piece of the action. The mobile bandwagon is so unbelievably bloated right now that the wheels are threatening to fall off. There are too many fingers in the pie. Too many developers. As it is, mobile developers are having a really hard time getting noticed without outrageous advertising budgets. Good games and bad games alike are being completely forgotten in this insane quest to find the next big thing in the casual gaming market. This is not a situation that is sustainable. There is a reckoning coming. Market forces show absolutely no mercy when a bubble reaches its breaking point. When this bubble pops, it's going to be almost as bad as 1984, and only the largest and most experienced mobile developers are going to survive the shake-up. Konami is big, but not experienced. Not in this market. They are getting into the game too late. The time to double-down on mobile development was 5 years ago. Now, the most likely way this story ends for Konami are huge losses that will force the company to exit the gaming market altogether.
In short, Konami is exiting AAA development and entering mobile at the worst possible time. The smart play when dealing with a bloated market is to diversify and giving yourself options to deal with sudden market shocks, not to chase the same rabbit everyone else is. Konami, like a whole bunch of other developers big and small, is going to be reeling when the next shock comes.
What does Bethesda hope to gain from this except bad PR? Maybe they just don't want their lawyers sitting idle. (Or maybe the lawyers get a bonus for every successful legal action.)
JRLennis' comments