@Verenti: You make some interesting points. And I agree, the quality of Gamespot has dropped markedly. Kevin Van Oord and some of the other vets might have seen the writing on the wall and decided to leave rather than be dragged into an operation they didn't believe in.
NOTHING about Mario screams him being a man in his twenties. I always assumed him to be in his mid to late 30's, and I was more than okay with that. What made Mario interesting to me was that he was a working-class adult who found himself in situations where he had to embrace his inner child to get ahead. What Miyamoto said does not in any way diminish or change my perception of Mario, but it might change my perception of Miyamoto himself. His assertion is beyond ridiculous.
@Verenti: While this might not have passed muster in a university English department, this is one of the most interesting (and relevant) articles Gamespot has published in a while. Give credit where credit is due. It's better than the usual clickbait we see here.
The game doesn't look that bad at first glance. The problem here is that Konami doesn't understand public relations, or they would have known that associating the Metal Gear name with a new project post-Kojima would generate nothing but toxicity. From this, it is clear that Konami doesn't really care what established consumers think about their brand - if they ever did. That has to be painful for the producers and the programmers and everyone else that actually make games in Konami's office.
We're only three months from the film's release and they still don't have the music score finalized? Is that typical, or should we be worried that a delay is coming? That they had to film extensive reshoots over the summer is a bit troubling.
Great trailer! After years of delays and false starts we will finally see if Square-Enix still has the magic touch. I'm encouraged by what I've seen of the game, and their marketing effort has gone above and beyond industry norms. (Using anime shorts to introduce us to the characters was ingenious.)
JRLennis' comments