A three month turnaround from theaters to Blu-ray? Sony must really be desperate. It just underscores the fact that they made a movie that nobody asked for.
There's nothing new here. It's just an abbreviated version of the 50-minute English trailer.
It's odd, but hearing the characters speak Japanese sounds strangely awkward, seeing that the maps and the theme song are both in English. It's almost like they added Japanese localization as an afterthought. And this is a Japanese game.
Perfect World's games, like Star Trek Online and Neverwinter, also experienced an unexpected outage in service last night. I was wondering if it was some kind of attack. Overwatch going down at the same time is too much of a coincidence.
@Phelaidar: Group recordings would be best, unquestionably. The trick is how to make that economical for the voice talent. Securing exclusive rights for the actors on the studio's schedule carries a premium.
I know video-game movies haven't had a good track record, but the negativity I'm seeing in the comments sickens me. Have gamers become so jaded that we can have no positive expectations at all? People aren't even bothering to dream anymore. And that's just sad.
For any movie to do well, you need characters you can care about. Elder Scrolls is more about the world than the individual characters, so I don't think a movie adaptation is viable. A series maybe, but who would be willing to take on that kind of commitment?
@troll_elite: It's not a bad deal if all you play is Xbox. For those of us who traditionally have multiple platforms, including PC, this kind of business model will be prohibitively expensive. That means the platform with the largest install base will have a huge advantage over the smaller ones, and it will become increasingly difficult for the little guys to compete.
JRLennis' comments