Jagazaar's forum posts
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! LISTEN!!!!
Why don't we go check out *insert name of dungeon/area here*!
Me:.........I'm AT *insert name of dungeon/area here*, you freaking ignoramus! :evil:
Shooting real guns is hard kid.
MP is just kids play.
Halo takes more skill , like real shooting.
:shock: :) :D :lol:
Shin Megami Tensei 1 & 2. Brilliant, difficult SNES RPGs with excellent unconventional storylines, a very in-depth recruiting system (almost any demon can become your ally through careful negotiations, and you can fuse them to make stronger ones). FAR more than Pokemon with demons (the Megaten franchise also did it before Pokemon and the Game Boy even existed), and downright incredible for 1991.
If we're extending it to action-RPGs, then toss Front Mission: Gun Hazard from the SNES in there. Combine the excellent robot action from Cybernator/Assault Suits Valken into a lengthy campaign with role-playing elements, amazing graphics, an interesting story and awesome music, and you've got a winner. Made by Squaresoft, by the way.
The world is going to end with the mystical sign of the 3 red lights! I don't wanna seize up and die because my temperature control is horrible! :cry:
Yeah and I'm Santa Claus. Ho Ho Ho :roll:
Can you bring us PAL Wii users Super Smash Bros. Brawl before Christmas, Santa? *big puppy eyes*
*entire team throws grenades*
*half the players get kicked for massive friendly fire kill scores*
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