[QUOTE="accameron"]Please don't lock this thread, I am serious. Look at the facts:
1. On the trailer, Vamp and Ninja Raiden have a battle FULL of inuendo. Lots of prancing, grunting, and flips. Then, they penetrate each other with SWORDS (symbolism), and at the end Raiden penetrates himself in order to pentrate his opponent, full of grunting. Much too much innudendo for me to enjoy.
2. Snake now actually grabs opponent's crotch as an attack move. I am serious.
This game with be rated 17 and up due to its message, no one will be able to buy it.
I agree 100%. Thanks for posting this. Unfortunately, fanboys are blind to it, as is the media. Not one journalist made any comments about the crotch and bird poo. MGS4 will be very strange.
Wait wait wait wait wait......hold it. Did you just accuse a Metal Gear Solid game of being strange? *looks at Psycho Mantis, The Cobra Unit, Vamp, Liquid Snake/Ocelot, the entire story about The Patriots, the cardboard boxes, and a bunch of other stuff*
..........*falls over, anime-style*
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