Sandals of Smelliness +5.
Effect: causes nearby people with working sense of smell to be repulsed and appalled.
Half-Life 2 shirt.
Effect: Adds 10 respect points and +5 to initial impression in geek circles, causes Confusion status in Non-Gamer class NPCs.
Old School Socks.
Effect:- +20% Comfort, +25% Cold Resistance, +15% Dorkiness.
Burger King Crown. (Part 1 of 2 in the 'Evil RTS Emperor' set)
Effect:- +35% Dorkiness, +15% Self-Satisfaction
Fijian Club/Scepter. (Part 2 of 2 in the 'Evil RTS Emperor' set)
Effect:- 1-3 damage (Blunt), +10% Self-Satisfaction
Full Set Effect:- Additional +20% Dorkiness & Self-Satisfaction, +25% RTS Enjoyment. +30% Disapproval From Immediate Family
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