Starcraft:- Watching an entire 24-strong squad of max-upgraded Goliaths, Marines & Medics get suddenly and unexpectedly WTFPWNED in about 2 seconds flat by a High Templar's lightning spell thingy. 6 times in a row.
Goldeneye:- Facility, 1 small room with a generator in the middle, 4 people, all with infinite proximity mines. Circle-strafing. One mis-step. *OMGWTFBOOOOOOOOOOM!* Rinse and repeat.
CS Source:- Dumb AI. Always a blast. Like shooting me just after I set the bomb, then camping it until it explodes on them. Then there's the legend of 'Scott the Crate Humper', which tells the epic tale of one remaining terrorist, vigilantly and intelligently guarding the hostages, and one remaining counter-terrorist named Scott who vigilantly jumped up and down repeatedly against a set of crates nowhere near the objective for the remaining 2 minutes of the round. But my favourite is the voice set my cousin gave them, which sounds like the ramblings of bored 20-year-olds in narcoleptic comas. It sucked when on my 1-human 4-AI counter-terrorist team, the match always began like so:-
"I'm gonna camp."
"I'll come with you."
"Sounds like a plan."
"I'm gonna camp."
Me:- ".....Again?"
Warcraft 3:- 1-on-1 games of Footman Frenzy with my cousin are always great fun. This one time, he had a Paladin, I had the massive Rock Golem dude. About 1:20 into the game, we were both max level (25), and had Knights upgraded to the teeth. I destroyed his base and all his units at 1:30, but his hero remained. He would use Divine Shield (complete invincibility) and run around smacking my units, hero, buildings, etc just to be a stubborn jerk. Then he'd go and revive a bunch of corpses for me to fight when that ran out, and by the time I'd killed them his Divine Shield was ready for use again. This continued until about 2:10, at which point I bought the 10000 gold 'kill everything not yours on the map' scroll, and used it when the shield ran out. The Victory screen didn't show up though. He declared the match a draw.:evil:
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