[QUOTE="Jagazaar"][QUOTE="Dencore"] I mean no offense to you or anyone in here, but if I wanted story I'd watch a movie or read a book since that's where that form of expression is best upon since it's completly controlled, but when I play a game I want to play the actual game because that from of expression and entertainment is best controlled on a game system.
Actually, I used to read a LOT, and yet I've found that games can convey meaning and feelings in ways that books and movies would struggle. Take Shadow of the Colossus, Psychonauts, Rez or killer7 for example.
Now explain what those games did that movies and books probably could not.
Don't get me wrong, I love me a good book or movie. But explain how Rez would work as a movie, let alone a book? It's a game that lets you float through an interactive world of pure sound and colour, everything you do adds an element to the visual and aural aspects of the level. It's an experience of pure synesthesia, and admittedly while such a thing could be expressed through a movie, the interactivity of it adds a whole new level to it. (and though its a minor point, the fact the the controller pulses in synch with the music helps too).
Shadow of the Colossus could be expressed through other mediums, true, but special effects and whatnot make such creatures relatively unimpressive in movies, it's all been done before in fantasy movies. For a game to effectively capture the (yes, I know it's an unreal setting, but its realistic given the scope of the game) mass, behaviour and whatnot of massive creatures like the collossi so brilliantly is pretty good, but in my mind what really brings it together is the sheer moods the game creates, the sense of isolation in a beautifully barren environment. It's hard for me to really describe it, but I just got such an epic feeling traversing these massive, deserted lands with only my horse for company. Then the sudden change of pace granted by puzzling how to even get onto, let alone slay such diverse, massive creatures accompanied by a wonderful orchestral score gave me a sense of wonder I really haven't gotten from any movies I've seen (at least none that come to mind), or books I've read.
I will pay Psychonauts and killer7 though, it's largely the narrative that carries those games through for me, and the visual imagery could easily be conveyed through movie format easily enough. Hell, A Scanner Darkly uses cel-shading, and that worked brilliantly.
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