Anyone remember Gradius III for the SNES?
God, that game was an exercise in sheer masochism, even on the easy settings. I never managed to beat it, even after coming back to it after all these years. :?Â
As for mine? Well, there's a TON (been gaming diligently since I was around 3), but I'll try to narrow it down to just a few.
Early childhood: Getting a Sega Mega Drive (Genesis to people outside AU) for my 6th b'day, and playing Sonic 2 (later Gunstar Heroes also) like crazy.
Primary school years: Being the 'tester' for countless SNES and Genesis games at our local rental store (Dad was a manager), got familiar with several of the timeless classics people recount today. Later got PS1 with FF7.
High school: Got a PS2. Was simply floored with the graphics after turning it on for the first time and watching the opening scenes to GT3. Enjoyed several great new franchises.
Fairly recent: Picked up MGS2 in a bargain bin. I'd played games with great stories before, but this one REALLY took the cake, abstract or not. Picked up SoTC and We love Katamari. Good times :D
Last few weeks: Went on a game-buying binge, most prolifically killer7 and RE4, both of which I'm playing now. I now see why RE4 is considered one of the best last-gen games, 'tis awesome fun. Killer7 is very interesting and unique, and out of ALL the games I've ever played, it's hands down the weirdest. And I'm not even halfway through yet.
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