I'm happy Mass Effect is still selling well (at least for now). Personally I'm really enjoying it, even with its obvious animation faults. I hope it continues to sell well, we shall see haha.
I'm not expecting Uncharted levels of animations or graphics or anything else. That's mostly a closed in, linear game.
BUT, even when comparing it to other open world RPGs, the animations fall flat. It's not a good enough excuse for this level of quality. I'm enjoying the game in spite of all this, but they really should be doing better.
You know what? I've been playing this for a couple of days now and I'm actually enjoying it.
The animations *are* an issue. Especially the facial animations. There is no excusing them. But the gameplay and the story/characters (at least so far), I'm having a lot of fun with. Although it may have been helped by the fact that I wasn't really following the game pre-release and wasn't going in with many expectations.
My only annoyance so far is the animations that are shown when you go from one planet to another are far too long. It makes that whole aspect needlessly tedious.
"That would be its tedious missions. Far too many open world quests--even some that feel important or come packaged in an interesting premise--devolve into multistep "go here, hit a button" errands."
That sounds like one of the big problems I had with DA:I. They'd have all these interesting concepts, that could have been expanded on and all it amounts to is some shallow fetch type quest. I'm so disappointed to hear about their over abundance in the new ME. I was hoping they'd have learnt something from DA:I and the criticism it got.
@Mogan: In the grand scheme of things, I suppose it doesn't. But again, I still would rather see them keep it separate, because if they're really being truthful, they shouldn't need to combine them to begin with.
The Wartable missions in DA:I could be somewhat irksome, and it could be frustrating trying to juggle each one in order to make the most of things. But like I said, I suppose it depends on what these Strike Missions bring to the game. Hopefully they are just something extra, with some exp/money etc as a reward.
Jasurim's comments