@Mogan: I'm not saying that it's bad or not fun(for some), I'm saying it's obvious that's not why they're adding it in. Also no, not in all cases. Depending on what you get from these said missions and the timers, people could again just be playing them for the single player perks.
The way that it's being implemented makes it rather transparent. If people ant to play it, that's fine, but they should keep it completely out of the story mode. Like I said, if people want to play it, they'll play it. They shouldn't be trying to hook people in through the single player mode and interrupting that.
I still wish they'd leave it out the single player game completely.
If the MP is good enough and people do actually want to play it, they'll do just that, they'll play it. But we know exactly why they're doing this and this is why it sucks. It isn't to make the game better, it is an attempt to make people hooked to multiplayer/want to get through those missions faster so they spend money on micro-transactions.
I do hope they're true to their word though and the Strike Missions have no real impact on the overall story/game. Otherwise they seem like they may be a pain in the butt, similar to wartable missions in DA:I
I think Horizon: Zero Dawn has a broader appeal and to be fair has had a slightly longer sales period. In the end I opted to buy myself BotW on the WiiU over Horizon, I'm still interested in getting it somewhere later down the track though.
It may have been because they had limited copies for WiiU, but surprisingly when I went to buy my copy of BotW, it was sold out in that particular store. Of course I was just able to find it in another at a different spot, but still a surprising thing that I haven't seen for a while when buying a game haha.
" "But we don’t want to place just any kind of content,” he continued, "they have to have a narrative impact, or it has to tell you something about the lore of the galaxy. Obviously we also have some very secondary content to do if you want to, but we make sure that you have side quests where you learn something.""
I hope this side content where you learn something, is more than just some log entry. One of the things that bugged me about DA:I is that the largest majority of side content was contained to letters with "information" and shallow interactions of go do this. I hope we actually have some proper interactions and something to make me feel connected to what I'm doing.
So if it's like the other Mass Effect games in terms of exploration and freedom, I'm cool with it. As long as they don't make it more restrictive. I also prefer quality over quantity....looking at you DAI.
@JEF8484: People have a reason to be skeptical though.
Bioware are the ones that need to prove themselves. Their last couple of games have disappointed. We all know about the ME3 mess and DAI quests were tedious and dumbed-down compared to what you would usually expect. You'd have be exceptionally naive to not at least question them somewhat.
Jasurim's comments