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JordanizPro Blog

"This Cant be done on the 360!"

God of War III Screenshot

Everybody has heard this phrase from PS3 developers and to tell the truth its getting to be quite annoying.Yes,we know that all of the top PS3 exclusive games make good use of the PS3s cell processor but does that mean those games cant be achieved on the 360?The phrase "Cant be done on 360" seems to suggest that what is being achieved in these PS3 games is not only impossible to achieve on the 360 but it cant even be replicated.First of all i must say we have a long way to go in this generation before statements like this needs to even surface.So do any of you know what the 360 is fully capable of?Back in 2008 metal Gear Solid 4 came out and everybody was screaming about how impossible it was for it to come to the 360 but here we are 2 years later and a new Metal Gear game is hitting the 360 that will graphically look just as good if not better than Metal Gear Solid 4.So my point is even though we act like it,none of us knows what is and is not possible on the 360,yes we have a good guess of whats possible by the exclusives like Alan Wake and Gears but still theres no way we can be sure.Games like Killzone 2 rely on the cell processor heavily to render huge amounts of detail and to make the most out of its textures which simply the 360 cant there is a possibility it will be able to in the future.And other games like Little Big planet and Uncharted can all be achieved some way on the 360 even though it might not play the same or look exactly the same as the ps3 versions.It will take lots of time and dedication to move a game that was specifically made for the PS3 over to the 360 but no doubt it can happen.But that day has yet to come.


So i went to GameStop today and Got...

A Jasper 360 :) my last Xbox wasnt a jasper so i guess that would explain the death of it :? and i also got Gears of War 1 and this....

And did anybody notice the new bug here on GlitchSpot?You cant delete games from your now playing list :?

If anybody has Xbox live be sure to add me up :)


I need some help

Ok so my 360 broke again :evil: and i need to know how much i can get for all of this stuff...

Xbox 360 with 20gb HDD

2 wireless 360 controllers

1 wired 360 headset

Mass Effect

Modern Warfare 2



Dead Space

Batman:Arkham Asylum

Lego Batman


Dont Let Them Lie to You! 3D is a Cover Up!

Right off the bat before i go on with this rant i want to say i have absolutely no problem with the 3DS.Its a handheld,it doesnt require glasses and i doubt it will affect me in anyway while im gaming.So with that said lets move on to the rant,shall we?

Ok so heres my thing about 3D gaming on consoles.For the last 10 years or so the only thing thats been improved about the technology in video games are the graphics.Graphics graphics and more graphics!Rather than trying to make improvements on the A.I. or trying to dig deep and do something innovative, game developers are getting more lazy generation after generation and would just rather make a game that looks visually good.With that being said 3D is the next graphical step for the easy way out for developers and no good can come from this.There worrying about making 3D in new games when we are all still playing with the same stupid AI that we have been playing with for the last 10 years.Heres a prefect example:

Highly intelligent, reactive, proactive and cognisant artificial intelligence is the only thing that's going to change the way video games are played and experienced.Until then, we're just playing the same old bulls*** but with prettier graphics.


Consoles At Their Technical Limits?..

Theres been talk about it and now im going to elaborate on the topic,so has the current generation consoles been maxed out?The Xbox 360 has been on store shelves for almost 5 years and the PS3 nearly 4.Both Microsoft and Sony believe the current generation will last a decade (if not more) which means that both the 360 and PS3 are midway into their life cycle.But some developers have already stated that both consoles are maxed out,which could mean that there is no more room for innovation.

Uncharted 2 Maxed out the PS3?

When multi-core processors were only starting to become available console manufactures saw the importance of these chips in the future of gaming.The Playstation 3 is based off of a powerful Cell Broadband Engine,which makes games like Killzone 2 and God of War 3 look like the way they do.While the Xbox 360 went down a similar route with a 3 core PowerPC chip.As with everything in the technology world, these once amazing chips are starting to show their age.A recent interview with EA's Patrick Soderlund says "Microsoft might be busy extending and building on the Xbox 360's capabilities with Project Natal and all manner of NXE and Live updates, but it sounds like some of their third-party developers think they're running out of headroom".Meanwhile Naughty Dog stated that while the first Uncharted only used a third of the PS3s power,Uncharted 2 completely maxed the console out.So is this all true?Or are these developers just trying to earn bragging rights to be the first to max out a current generation console?According to Burnout Paradise developer Criterion "its all a bunch of talk" .

Will Crysis 2 Take Console Graphics King Crown?

Whatever way it might be,theres no denying that todays consoles are growing and there showing no sign of slowing down.At this years CES Microsoft was questioned about the future of the Xbox brand and they replied back stating this: "I think it's important to say that the Xbox 360 is the console of the long future for us. There is no need to launch a new console, because we're able to give this console new life either with software upgrades or hardware upgrades like Kinect,".And Sony also said things similar to what Microsoft said,they can either give the PS3 new software updates or hardware upgrades like Move.So these motion controllers are more than just new peripherals to Sony and Microsoft.There actually relying on the motion controllers to give their console the extra boost they need considering around this time we all usually see a new console coming out.These motion controllers are the reason why were not seeing a Xbox 720 or a PS4 right now.


1 Whole Year and Counting+ME2 demo

When i first signed up here on Gamespot i thought i would most likely quit after maybe 2 months tops but here i am still on Gamespot for 1 whole year,never thought i would be on here for this long.I didnt even think someone would take the time out to even comment on my blogs.But this community is so cool and i never thought ill make so many friends here :)

But on another note i downloaded the Mass Effect 2 demo today and man was i impressed.The whole game just seems way more fluid and the controls are tighter.I just played the demo and i already like it better than Mass Effect 1.And the graphics got a complete overhaul too.I remember looking at ME1 when it first came out and thinking nothing can top it,man was i wrong.BioWare really did use more of the 360s power in this game.


Why a Multi-Console Online Game Should Happen

Sometimes i feel like because i only have a Xbox 360 im on a different planet than all my friends with PS3s.Xbox 360 and PS3 are so torn apart that game developers cant use there full imagination.If there was a online game that allowed PS3 users and Xbox 360 users to play together,it would so revolutionary to gaming.Could you imagine this console war thats been heated every since the Ps3 and 360 were out made its way into a online game?Or even just playing a game with a friend that plays on a different console than you?Well in imagining so myself,I think its safe to say that a multi-console online game wouldnt only be revolutionary but also a HUGE success to the gaming industry.

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1 War in 1 Online Game

As i mentioned before as a Xbox 360 only owner i feel too apart from my friends(gaming wise)who have PS3s.I have so many friends that have Ps3s only and i cant tell you how many times i thought about playing games with them online.And in meeting some of the coolest gamers here on GameSpot, when i figure out that they have a different console than me i soon begin to feel kinda disconnected to them.So if there was a game that could connect all gamers despite different consoles,Wouldnt that be good for all of us?

So now lets forget about all of the limitations as far as business wise things and everything else that has kept us from seeing a game like this come out.Lets all use our imaginations for a while.Even though we might not see a multi-console online game come out this generation there is a chance for the next.

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The most annoying thing on the planet...Fanboys

And lets not for get about the raging Fanboys who make it their job to type up a healthy amount of bull**** on forums everyday.Imagine if all of that trash talking on forums can be handled in a more interactive place.I mean honesty it seems that fanboys talk more trash than they do actually gaming.Why not make a game so we can all take our frustration out on these fanboys through actual voice trash talking and through gameplay.

But dont get the wrong idea guys i dont want all of the future online games to be like this.The competition of the gaming industry is what ultimately drives it,and we need the 360 and PS3 to be big competition for each other so our gaming experiences can continue to grow.But the thought of a multi-console online game is amazing also both companies (Sony, Microsoft ) will get a benifit from the sales so it wouldnt be a loss to either company.We already have games like Shadow Run that allows PC and 360 gamers to play together and we have games like The Agency that allows PS3 and PC gamers to play together.So while were at it,lets fill the gap between console gamers!

~JordanizPro signing off

OMFG Look Behind You!

Impressions: Dead Space

So Friday i finally picked up a game that iv been procrastinating to get for a while now and that game would be Dead Space :D .Dead Space is a really good horror game and what makes it so good is the story.Have you ever thought of being in a plane crash and you unfortunately find out that alien like creatures that slaughtered your whole crew are taking over leaving you stranded fighting for survival with no help coming to your rescue?No?Well Dead Space will put you in those shoes.

Dead Space is full of those OMFG that scared the **** out of me moments that lots of horror games today just dont have (well at least to me :P ).This is a great example of how games of this genre should be made and of course the staple of horror is blood and Dead Space has tons and tons of blood in it.The death sequences will literally fill your whole TV screen with blood as your character gets his head snapped off :twisted: .As far as boss battles there barely any which is sad considering it could have made Dead Space that much better.But there is one truely epic boss battle in this game so its not all that bad :P .So as far as visuals Dead Space was made from the Visceral Engine and its a real good looking game.In some parts of the game you get to go out of space and its nothing short from gorgeous,they really did nail the feel and look of outer space.Its sad that there not many horror games that are this good out now.The only horror game that iv played this generation that can even compete with Dead Space is BioShock.

Dead Space has the graphics, the action, the suspense, and the chill factor for the ultimate true next gen survival horror experience.

Final Scores...








E3'10 Excitement

E3 is right around the corner and me personally around this time im very hyped about the gaming world.E3 really does bring my passion out for gaming especially considering what kind of generation in gaming were all in with technology never seems to age and games just keep getting more and more impressive.Its times like E3 that make me proud of being a gamer.Now we all have exactly 5 more days till this years E3 finally kicks off.June 13th Microsoft will be up first with there Press Conference for Project Natal.Im really expecting for Microsoft to blow me away with this years showing of Natal considering the garbage they showed of it at E3'09.But anyway im anticipating and excited for a lot of new games:

~No order

1.Call of Duty:Black Ops

2.Gears of War 3

3.Project Natal

4.Halo Reach

5.Assassins Creed Brotherhood

and many more.

So what do you guys want to see the most out of this years E3?
