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Best Consoles of All Time #7

Best Consoles of All Time #7: Atari 2600

"The Atari 2600 is one of the most ugliest consoles iv ever laid eyes on but the ugliness didnt stop it from being a success"~ JordanizPro

The Atari 2600 was the start of it all for home gaming consoles.In the mid 70s it gave us entertainment like no other machine could.With games like Pong,Asteroids,and lets not forget the Atari was the first home game console to ever deliver us Pac Man in our living rooms.The Atari emulated most arcade games so it was only right to have a controller that was similar to a arcade joystick since it does need that type of flexibility in order to play the games smoothly.And even the music and sound effects has been popular.The robotic and futuristic sounds have been heard in new games in this generation,songs,and even TV shows.Without the success of the Atari 2600 its a possibility us now wouldnt have our Xbox 360s and Playstation 3s because the home video game industry wouldnt have had a true beginning and nobody wouldnt have seen how large the possibilities are for home entertainment.

Best Consoles of All Time #8

Best Consoles of All Time #8: Gameboy

The Hand held system that made Hand held gaming cool,All Hail The Gameboy!

The gaming industry was changed forever when the release of its first ever portable gaming system was released in 1989.Now why was it so revolutionary?Because it was amazing how little the system was and the games that was able to be played on it.One great example is Metroid 2,the game had tons of new weapons,enemies and areas itself took place on the massive SR388.

Not to mention the game Links Awakening which was arguably one of the best Zelda games ever made was also on the Gameboy.The depth of the game and how many features it had was amazing considering it was on the first ever hand held gaming platform.The game was praised by all gamers and critics and was very successful remaing on the bestsellers list for 90 months and went on to sell 3.83 million units by 2004.

So as you can see the Gameboy was the start of it all with the power of the system and the quality and amazing engineering in the games,the Gameboy still today is considered the best hand held game system ever made.


Best Consoles of all time #9

Best Consoles of all Time #9: XBOX

In the 6th era of gaming history the XBOX was no doubt a BEAST of a console:o .The XBOX brung us the amazing graphics that had us all drooling ,set the standard for onine gaming with the service LiVE,HDTV support,and DVD playback.Eventhough with all that DVD and TV talk the XBOX was known for games and the live support that came with them.Now when talking about games and the XBOX at the same time whats the first thing you think of? If you said Halo then you sir/ma'am are right;) .

Agurably the best FPS ever made,Halo was and will always be loved by gamers and critics all the same.And with Live support this game can get addicting:P .But it doesnt stop there Halo wasnt the only great game for the XBOX,there was Star Wars the Old Republic,Fable,and more.The XBOX came out 2-1 years after the PS2 and Gamecube and still gave them heavy competition.Not to mention Microsoft was a begginer at the console world and the thought of them going up against pros (Sony,Nintendo) and still had a great chance of winning the 6th era thats really something.


Best Consoles of all time #10

Hey guys havnt been bloggin for a minute,been busy with school and stuff :P and iv beaten Batman Arkham Asylum which is an amazing game especially for me since i loved Batman when i was a kid i had all the movies and i dressed up as him for halloween every year...ahh the memories.But on another note iv also gotten Assassins Creed and that game is surperb ;) hands down the best looking open world games iv ever played.So yea thats a quick lil update about what iv been playing so lets get to the main part of this blog!:D

Best Consoles of all time #10 :Nintendo Gamecube

Yes the purple lunch box is at number 10 and why? you ask.Because of games like The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker,Super Mario SunShine,and of course Super Mario Bros. Melee (who doesnt love punching yoshi in the face?!).The gamecube was just a fun console for everyone to have fun with.I mean it didnt have as much power as the Xbox nor Ps2 but me personally had the most fun with this console out of the three.And was i the only person in the universe who didnt hate the design?:D


Anyone up for some MAG?

When MAG was shown at E3 2009 it looked good and even though everybody was listening nobody really believed that Zipper out of all game creators would make a online game that fits a big fat 256 players into one battlefield.So as i did my research on this game i found out that the 2 betas released were very different.The early beta was basically horrible it had bad graphics and it was choppy but the current beta improved on all levels,the game ran smooth and the graphics were way better and most importantly with making a game this big it was LAG FREE!(for some people)

Now as all of you know Sony is lazy this generation when it comes down to advertising especially with there exclusive games.Although it has gotten better since the holiday season of '09 till this point there advertising is still way to close to the release dates of there games.Now with a game like MAG,a 256 player online game dont you think that should be advertised now?I mean the thought of 256 players is mind blowing especially to the average gamer who havnt yet heard of MAG.And so as of now with the release of the game so close Sony is still not advertising the game well enough for the average gamer to get a hold on it which could hurt the sales.

Another big thing about MAG that could help Sony in the long run is the PSN.Now the debate over the PSN service and the Xbox live service is endless but as of now its clear that Xbox Live has a edge and with Sony not advertising MAG like they should it seems like Live could stay on top of the online gaming argument.With online gaming getting bigger and bigger by the second MAG could boost the PSNs reputation and overall help Sony out big time.

So to the people with PS3s are you getting MAG?

Which to get?

Now im in a very hard decision between getting Final Fantasy 13 and BioShock 2.Im getting $60 for my birthday so i only have enough for one game and i dont know which to get they both look so good.HELP!

DMC4 & report card

As you can tell by my playing now list iv gotten Devil May Cry 4 and its really good,actually its better than what i expected it to be.And most surprisingly about this game is i enjoy it more than i did God of War 2.Dont get me wrong i loved God of War 2 but its just something about DMC4 that makes me enjoy it better.

and i also got my report card today i did ok...i guess


Algebra 1- 81

Technology- 82

Lifetime Wellness- 92

English 1- 95

Visual Arts 1- 100

Physical Science honors- 92

World History- 92

so yea this is a pretty short blog i have to get back to Homework and im also trying to finish DMC4 today


Sony Motion Wands and its potential

Today i was out of school today because of freezing wheather*dances*:D now time to get to the blog...


Now yesterday i talked about NATAL so today as promised im going to talk about the Sony Motion Wands and let me say its a definite YES that this has potential.Now for example lets look at the tech demo shall we.....


Do you guys see how much more life this can bring to console gaming?Now you guys know how RTSs are really not up to par with the pc versions right? But just think how it could be on the Sony motion controller,it will perfect it.And look how its on point with your movements unlike something else im not gonna bring up *cough..NATAL..cough*.And you guys know another thing that could be perfect for Sonys Motion controller? OKAMi!!!!

Yes,everybodys last gen love coming to the PS3 along with the Motion Controller. (Sony should really make that a holiday bundle :P)

Now lets bring up the topic up on space again.If u see the tech demo you can see how close he is on the T.V. and he is not jumping around like some silly little kid.But there is one thing i am worried about which is a anolog stick.If there is no anolog stick this is not going to be a successful as its possibilities could make it which are endless.But if there is a anolog stick we could possibly start seeing games like Modern Warfare 3,Resistance3,Killzone 3 and basically almost all PS3s future games compatible with the Motion Wand.

So lets be clear,if Sonys Motion Wand has a anolog stick this is gonna make Natal (which is comfirmed to not have a anolog stick) look like complete garbage.There is loads of potential in this product and if Sony makes the right moves this could definitely be the future of gaming.

~JordanizPro out

Motion Wars:Natal vs PSmotion

Lately the motion horde has taken over me and Iv been looking at tons of vids on Natal and the PlayStation motion wands.So when comparing the two honestly it looks like the Playstation wands has been thought out a little more than Natal and i say this because of the simple reason of space.For example look a this picture....

Can any of you guys tell me that u have enough room where ur console is to do this? The whole point of Natal is that you are the controller, so sense you are the controller that means u have to be far from the T.V. and you have to have enough space to do all these kicks and jumps.Not to mention how can you play Natal with another person? You yourself is taking up enough space so how can another person also play it without the two people mistakenly kicking one another?

Microsoft says they want to bring in the Wii owners and make them want buy a Xbox 360 with Natal but really this if far from the Wii.Everybody knows with a Wii u dont need much space and u have these things.....

which are on point with your movements but with Natal its like a short delay with ur actual movements till it shows it on your T.V. and they call this a rebirth of the 360?...*says yea right in a very sarcastic way*

Natal is a great idea and i have no doubt that it will sell well and developers will enjoy developing on it but i personally think Microsoft approached it in the wrong way and i also think motion in video games are sooooo overrated.

*Ill do a Part 2 about my thoughts about the PlayStation Motion Wands

~JordanizPro out