I do fairly well in school. This year I had a 99 in the first quarter in my Chemistry class. At the end of the quarter we had a paper due and the teacher accused me of cheating and gave me a 0. I didn't cheat but I saw the similarities as my classmate had used the same source for the same topic. That 0 took me from near perfect to a low A. I accepted it as I knew it looked like I cheated and there wasn't anything to complain about.
End of second quarter I had another high A, 98 or so. Our midterm is to make an in depth slideshow about the pros and cons of Nuclear energy. She asks us to use google docs. I send it to her the day its due on google docs. She tells me a WEEK later that she couldn't download the document. I go home and re-send it and she takes of 80 points for the 8 days it was late. Regardless of the fact that she neglected to tell me that she didn't have it, and when she did I immediately sent it to her within five minutes of being home from school.
This 20 brought my semester grade, (which should have been a 99 or 98), down to an 87 or so. Kept me off of high honors. She was totally stubborn about it and wouldn't budge until I explained the situation to my parents and they called the school. She then said she'd change it to an 80, which I was fine with.
Here's the kicker, today was our last day of school; she is so lazy that she had nearly five months to do this, and she didn't fill out the paperwork to have the grade changed after the grades closed. The paperwork consists of her writing the assignment, the grade given, the grade now received, and signing her name. I went to her at least a dozen times and she always said she would do it but never did.
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