@Oneturtledown @krecikborowka @evil_snuggles Honestly I see both sides on the kinect issue, along with an extra thing that it's really a pain to use an extra periph when the FGC runs tourneys.
On one side, It's probably nothing but freaking camera and Mic no different than the eye, Just with that crappy needing to always be plugged in requirement.
On the other side. People get really paranoid when you start combining things like Checking in every 24 hours and an already plugged in Mic and Camera together. Especially with those bad rumors floating around about MS. That makes people paranoid and think irrationally about it. It does sound a little creepy even when I know it probably ISN'T spying on you lol.
@TechGoblin @Judge-Albel For Music, CD's started getting phased out a long time ago. Movies are going that way too. For phones, Physical media never existed in the first place. That's a pretty obvious one. It's just the wrong time for MS to try to do such a thing while keeping the physical media intact.
@chucknorris86 @Digital_XTC @Judge-Albel @malokevi I haven't defended sony on anything. I've merely stated facts about the Xbox One. If that makes me look like I like Sony than that's hilarious. I've already stated I have absolutely zero respect for Sony.
And you're right it IS all about the money. So why mess with the people who control your cash flow ?
@Oneturtledown @Judge-Albel @malokevi No I actually don't use any of those services. I don't know if you'll find that hard to believe but I don't. And Isn't Spotify like a Radio thing? My girlfriend uses it but I have no idea about it.
Also you have full usage rights to any product you buy. And the Terms of Service have already proved to be over ruled by both ameican and european courts. I'm not saying people can't buy the thing. I just find it hard to believe you few who want to would be willing to give up your consumer rights so easily for a few quick hours or just one if you haven't connected in 24. When I was growing up I never thought so many people without common sense existed till the internet got popular.
@TechGoblin I think if they had made the move after phasing discs out the console market completely they'd be fine. The problem is when you try to treat the physical like it's a digital product. It's an extreme grey area. And most courts will over rule a Terms of Service if it goes against rights of ownership. So if MS messes up and gets sued due to it. It could make things worse for progression of digital technology.
@AvrgInt @stonewall001 @Digital_XTC @Judge-Albel @malokevi Avr I will always have respect for Nintendo for staying true to who they are in being a family company. As for people saying Nintendo is playing it safe I think putting Bayonetta on their system is a very unsafe move for Nintendo as it's something they don't usually do.
I have absolutely no respect for Sony or Microsoft as they both have put themselves above the customer in the past. The only reason I even see Sony as winning is it simply really isn't about exclusives anymore. A lot of people may have been impressed by the games shown by MS. But i'm not really impressed by more of the same dry Shooter and Racer i've been playing since I owned my 360. Especially when some form of that same action will be on the smarter choice consumer wise.
I was expecting to just buy all three systems but I can't in my right mind find a reason to give Microsoft money until they wise up. Sony probably had full intention to do exactly the same thing till they saw all the bad PR MS got for announcing the policy. They just wised up. Nintendo was smart and played it safe.
I want stable competition among all consoles. This completely ruins that, and it'll be especially hard to convince random families that the X1 is worth the extra money over the pS4 when they ask me at the store when I'm forced to tell them the features of each console. Anyone doing their job at a retailer in the game section or at a game store will worsen the sales of the X1 just by being honest. I've actually seen people preordering Day 1 PS4's simply to spite Microsoft. This is ridiculous. I've even explained getting a Day 1 console isn't in someones best interest and they do it regardless.
@malokevi @Digital_XTC @AvrgInt @Judge-Albel I actually give Nintendo props. They're really getting their act together, They're trying to do what they do best. They wont come out on top this generation but they definitely wont flop either.
Although the Wii U really doesn't have a good library yet. In the coming months it will though.
@The_Last_Paladi @stonewall001 @Judge-Albel @fjacks22 @AvrgInt @evil_snuggles Yeah well, eventually all games will probably be on PC, It sucks that when it cames to this generation I had to pick the better of a group of meh consoles. This generations leap is not at all impressive =/
@AvrgInt @Digital_XTC @Judge-Albel @malokevi Arv At least you understand to a small extent the entire picture. But I loved 360, Sony isn't spinning anything Microsoft didn't already admit to. They just did a really good job of making jokes about it.
You're right about a few things though, Microsoft really needs to get their act and information together, and it will be a great time for gamers. I just really hope there's a lot less shooters coming out.
@malokevi @Judge-Albel What else is there to say? I've said plenty of facts about Microsoft's policies. Plenty of people have agreed with me to. You're the one willing to give up your consumer rights for a small piece of temporary enjoyment. It's quite obvious you're either on their payroll or just plain moronic.
I just gave you the better option. At least it's not insulting to be doing your job.
Judge-Albel's comments