@malokevi @Judge-Albel The one Microsoft Rep to rule them all. Yo bro can you hook me up with MS too? I'd be glad to try to support them for the amount of money they must pay you guys.
@malokevi @Judge-Albel Next generation MS says you now no longer own your console. You are just renting it. Are you fine with that? If all your games magically no longer work or your brand new license disappears and MS says you have no right to ask as they own it not you. Are you fine with that?
Thank god there aren't many people like you or we'd all be back in the slavery days by now.
No the majority isn't upset by the policy itself, But by the anti-consumer nature of the policy. On principle if someone cared about their right to own anything (Like most non Diehard Fanboys, As a lot of Xbox Fans jumped ship) They'd see buying the console itself is a bad thing in general.
@TechGoblin @Judge-Albel Did you read anything about the DRM on PS4? If you did you'd know it's absolutely nothing like what Microsoft is imposing. It's actually no different than PS3/360 DRM policy. Read before you make your own judgments. I've done my research. I'll take Last Gen's DRM over Mandatory all game DRM any day. Gonna miss my 360 though.
@Ninjitsu_Gamer @Judge-Albel @atownkid33 @Silentwolf008 Eh it's just my opinion. Like Destiny looking like a Mix of Halo and Mass effect is just my opinion. I'll still buy Destiny. Titanfall though most likely not. The wall running was a nice idea though.
@malokevi @Judge-Albel Hey man I'm sure Sega can make a game that plays exactly like Call of Duty, a Game like Halo, A GTA with extra flashy stuff named Watch...Er , MagicDogs, and then I'm sure they can make some actual good games too... If they actually were still a big company lol
@The_Last_Paladi @godfather830 @TechGoblin This is pretty much it. If they change their policies they'll do great. But with that policy they have most informed and intelligent people will steer clear of the system. And poor Killer Instinct, Relying on the FGC when 90% of the FGC absolutely refuses to run tourneys on or purchase and X1. =/
Judge-Albel's comments