tell that to a syrian who has lost his whole family to a chemical attack.killzowned24Sucks for them but maybe the Arab countries should actually do something.
KC_Hokie's forum posts
Ansar Al-Sharia is ones of the brigades fighting. It's Muslim Brotherhood vs. Al-Qaeda linked groups vs. secular.[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]
[QUOTE="Person0"] From what I've seen its just militias fighting, not alqaeda controlling large sections of the country.sherman-tank1
Place is a huge mess and close to another civil war. Not a great example of successful intervention.
Way too early to tell. Government hasn't had the proper time to rebuild in order to deal with the fighting. In fact I think it is going pretty smoothly so far considering how disorganized Libya was.Think you need to read some news on Libya.[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]Ansar Al-Sharia is ones of the brigades fighting. It's Muslim Brotherhood vs. Al-Qaeda linked groups vs. secular.[QUOTE="Person0"] From what I've seen its just militias fighting, not alqaeda controlling large sections of the country.Person0
Place is a huge mess and close to another civil war. Not a great example of successful intervention.
From what I've seen its local militias vs eachother while the new government tries to disarm them all. No. Way more complicated than that. Basically the country is now in thirds. The eastern third is Al-Qaeda and where most of the oil is.[QUOTE="Squeets"][QUOTE="KC_Hokie"] No. It's because we try to play world police. Doesn't work.Master_Live
We are the world police. Honestly... Just f-cking deal with it. In the wake of WW2 we built the world around ourselves and now we are stuck here... If you can't deal with that, I suggest suicide or something because it isn't changing... We are never leaving the world stage. We are never not being the world police. It is never ending. Forever. Globalization. Deal with it.
Kind of a agree, also Americans should understand that many of the things you are able to enjoy in the US are derive from the power of being the "world police". Can't have your cake and eat it too. Last time I checked I never used or received anything from Syria. Has absolutely nothing to do with us.[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"][QUOTE="Person0"] Link? Person0For which part? You can do an easy search for Libyan and Syrian allies. Then just search is in a huge mess right now on the verge of another civil war. From what I've seen its just militias fighting, not alqaeda controlling large sections of the country.Ansar Al-Sharia is ones of the brigades fighting. It's Muslim Brotherhood vs. Al-Qaeda linked groups vs. secular.
Place is a huge mess and close to another civil war. Not a great example of successful intervention.
Well we did stupid stuff like disbanding iraqs army.[QUOTE="Person0"][QUOTE="Squeets"]
Saddam may have been a tyrant, but he didn't take any bullshit. He repressed all the groups involved in the civil war and kept them in check through fear, violence, and intimidation. Once we toppled his government their shit hit the fan. We were simply cleaning that shit up for eight years.
Well yeah, and everything else. Like the police and public services.
We destroyed the only government, including military and police, Iraq had.Now Obama wants to bomb Assad (the only functional government within most of Syria).
What could go wrong?
[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]Everything we get involved in escalates. Look at Iraq and Afghanistan.Jebus213
and why? Religion.
No. It's because we try to play world police. Doesn't work.[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]Everything we get involved in escalates. Look at Iraq and Afghanistan...never supposed to have been in those places 10 years.[QUOTE="Jebus213"]
I know. I just felt like sharing.
Do you think we have stayed in Iraq for 8 years if it weren't for the religious looneys?
Once we takes sides and only bomb Assad we getting more and more involved which never works out well in the Middle East.
We got in and out of Libya pretty fast and that is a lot closer comparison then Iraq or Afghanistan. Libya didn't have powerful allies like Russia, Iran and China. They basically didn't have any allies. And now Al-Qaeda controls entire sections of Libya.
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