I can't wait to waste all of my spare time playing Stardew Valley and Disgaea 5. I slept on both of those games and I'm glad I can get them both in portable form.
@darksouls: Consoles hardly EVER get pack in games at launch. The Wii and Wii U were exceptions. Also, if you think MK64 is still one of the best, go back and play it. It has aged horribly in the past 21 years. That's just the nostalgia talking. It can't even run 4-player at a stable framerate. Mechanically speaking, MK8 is the best Mario Kart thus far. It has most of the best tracks remade in HD, it's got the most tracks, karts, customization, online options, powerups, etc. and now that the Switch version has brought back battle mode and the ability to hold 2 items, yeah it's nearly perfect. Double Dash was great but the only thing that set that game apart was the 2 player coop, but seriously, who would EVER wanna have 2 people play as one kart? one person can do it more than adequately. It was a gimmick at best. Play the F-Zero track on MK8 and tell me that's not an amazing track.
Even when I was 9, I thought Crash Team Racing was a vastly superior game to MK64, just with a less memorable franchise. I'll admit it did have 3 years on it and it was on a stronger system, but still.
@Erebus: apparently this article made a mistake somewhere because the Wii U size isn't what they state. It's actually...
Game data: 4120 MB
Add on data (DLC): 1632 MB
Update data: 454 MB
Total: 6.2GB
Sorry for being harsh. We all make mistakes. I just couldn't imagine they would compress audio and textures just to get a more attractive download size. Seems counterproductive since most will likely still buy it on a cart.
KahnArtizt's comments