@The_Inebriator: What if you had a stage that took place in an Islamic mosque and had Christian gospel music in the background? That wouldn't make sense right? Well this is exactly the same thing.
@vonzippa: Would you rather have a stage that takes place in an Islamic mosque and have Christian gospel music in the background? It just doesn't make any sense. It's not an issue of "having nice things" so much as it is Capcom being completely ignorant to the cultures they are trying to represent.
@Veemon_X: Yes you nailed it. Everyone else is under the impression they're taking it out simply because it's Islamic and not because it's culturally inaccurate.
@registeredpunk: This is basically the same thing as a stage taking place in a Muslim mosque and having Christian gospel in the background. The issue isn't with Islam, it's with the mismatched religious references.
@restatbonfire: wrong. There was no fast travel option in skyward sword and all you had to do was talk to Midna to fast travel in TP. Well, it is 4/20 so since you asked, I'm smoking Trainwreck.
@pax_augusta: I wouldn't say Skyward Sword was a rehash of OOT but that game had it's own unique quirks. I am glad that some of the better features of that game got translated to BotW (stamina bar, larger open environments, etc).
@daves-double: Sounds like all the reviews are out or something. Tell me, how's Xenoblade Chronicles 2? The first one was the best JRPG of the past decade and I was hoping this one would be equally as good.
@LeoKRock: If you missed out on the last 6 years of Vita games, it's not a waste of money at all. I would buy a Vita just to play Persona 4 Golden (and I basically did 5 years ago), let alone the dozens of other great games, PSP games, and PS1 classics. Especially if you're like me and love visual novels, the Vita has TONS of them! Also, how does his statement signify he's "swimming in money". You can get a Vita for like $100 and Switch is $300. That's 2-3 days pay for me and I don't even make that much money compared to most of my friends.
KahnArtizt's comments