@Redsyrup: There are reports of a cloud saving function buried in the Switch's OS. I wouldn't be surprised if this rolled out with the online service later this year.
@gamerbum: Horizon is incredible but comparing a kart racing game to an open world action game is not a fair comparison. They're completely different games in every way. It's like comparing The Dark Knight to The Lion King.
@csward: Game length due to extreme difficulty is artificially padded length and not a strong argument. By that logic, ET is the longest games ever made since it's impossible to finish it.
@Jacanuk this game got great reviews all around so it's not just gamespot. This game currently holds an 89/100 on metacritic, so keep crying just because not everyone hates what you do. I hope you'll be okay...
@deviltaz35: Think about how much it costs to make an ebook. One person writes it, one or two edit it, and another records reading it. Prices are more closely linked to the budget than the quality or quantity of content. I can guaranbtee it took more money to make this game than the books. Also, that is an epic sale. Books are never $1 even for just one. This game will be $8 or less before you know it.
KahnArtizt's comments