@jimmydonegood: A year's worth of motion capture, writing, voice actor calls, programming, designing, and testing should be free? Even CD Projekt RED isn't that generous. You are delusional.
@jimmydonegood: I mean Portal 2 was about 5 hours long and cost $60... when was the last time Microsoft even shit out an exclusive game? Gears was like 8 hours and cost $60. That was supposed to pass as a full AAA game. This was a $20 DLC that they got carried away with and made into a (short) full game. It's $33 on Amazon Prime btw. That's cheaper than most AAA games that came out this year.
@dmblum1799: I have both and I stopped playing my Xbox once the exclusives dried up last year. I havent even turned it on since I moved 4 months ago. I buy all my mutiplatform games on PS4 since I'm 10 years deep in trophies. Exclusives are the only reason I would even turn on my Xbox. Now there are none....
@CyrusDrake20: You're comparing a 16-bit 2D platformer with one of the most jaw-droppingly beautiful AAA games ever made. Games prices are based on budget rather than gameplay time. If that were the case, The Witcher 3 should cost hundreds of dollars.
@phrasesound: The Order had crap gameplay. Uncharted has great gameplay, especially on the revamped PS4 engine with the more open environments, stronger AI, and improved feel of gunplay. Clearly, you've never played this game. I mean, OBVIOUSLY it's not even out yet.
@monkeyporn: Drake doesn't define Uncharted. Even Naughty Dog had stated that recently. More of the same isn't necessarily a bad thing when the "same" is so goddamn good. Maybe revisit this when you have actually played it for yourself. Also, remember that this was originally DLC, like TLoU's Left Behind, but they got carried away and "accidentally" made a whole 10 hour game, hence the 40 price point.
@kratosbeard: The Last of Us was still like 80% gameplay and 20% cutscenes. I'm sure part 2 will be similar. Your notion that movie-like games are somehow not as good or "hardcore" as other games is completely your opinion, and a minority opinion at that. Most AAA games are trying to be like movies, though few succeed to the levels of Naughty Dog games. I'll admit Uncharted games can be way too hand-holdy, but TLoU is a solid game through and through.
KahnArtizt's comments