@gr4h4m833zy: because it's probably the most well balanced "zombie" survival game out. Remember back in the day when survival games actually had limited ammo and scarce resources? Even on normal difficulty, that is TLoU. The mechanics work very well, great controls, and the presentation is top notch. Great story, atmosphere, and acting. You'd be nuts to think this game is anything less than "good". "Masterpiece" is definitely debatable but it's a solid game through and through.
Oh and the multiplayer is actually damn good too. It's definitely not just tacked on trash like Bioshock 2 or Dead Space 2
@Pierce_Sparrow: "And I generally don't feel like wasting it on games most people think suck."
Why does other people's opinions influence what you play? Good lord, if I thought that way, I wouldn't play half the games I play. Play what you like. Watch a video. Rent it on Redbox for $2. Watch a livestream. Formulate your own opinion.
@adamg81: There is also survival coop modes and multiplayer, though I think it's largely the same as the modes included in U4. Since it's a standalone game, that's still a solid deal. And any real frugal gamer gets their games from either Amazon Prime or Best Buy Gamers Club. They both give 20% off new games bringing this expansion to the low price of $32, the standard sale price of GTAV LOL
@StaticPenguin: It had a lot of good things but nothing truly innovative or new. It also apparently didn't do anything bad, though I heard the "open world" is disappointingly empty, but that's at least something it didn't have before and was always a criticism (too linear and straighforward levels).
@netiger: It had a rough launch, but DriveClub is a fantastic game and only got better with all the free updates. Also, you literally named all the flops they had over 4 years, while they had over a dozen hits. They released more quality exclusives in just the last 8 months than bad games released over 4 years. The ratio of good games to bad is like 4:1 while Xbox is more like 2:1. Their established franchises are all falling off tho. The last couple Gears and Halo games were disappointments to long-time fans and the reviews were lower year over year from previous entries. Sony at least knows when it has reached its saturation point and call it quits (Uncharted, Twisted Metal, Motorstorm, Resistance) or do a complete overhaul to keep it fresh (God of War 2018).
@Pierce_Sparrow: Gamespot's review of Agents of Mayhem was definitely an outlier, while this seems right in line with the majority of the reviews. If you don't like the review, move on. It's not like the review affects your enjoyment(or lack of) of the game.
KahnArtizt's comments