@ziggens: I don't consider bad design "classic". Hell, those were the biggest complaints about it even back in 1996. No reason why the save system had to be so horrendous, thus why they did away with it entirely in the next one.
@jayskoon93: that level is hard even in the original. When I was 7, the road to nowhere was my brick wall I could never get past cuz every time I got some over, I'd have to reload and beat sunset vista again too. Damn that archaic save system. So glad they did away with it.
@bfa1509: lies. Crash 1 had the worst save system known to man and I'm so glad they fixed the issue where if you die halfway trough a level and restart at a checkpoint, you lose all boxes even prior to the checkpoint. Now you don't have to perfect a level to get all the boxes.
@thymelodicwhiz: I mean th MCC is only like $20 or less nowadays and they're superior in every way. They even come with the option to play with the original graphics.
@RSM-HQ: I didn't get an N64 until like 2001 so this was my Mario growing up. I loved them (the first one was just okay) and they never really got old for me. I played 2 and 3 like 2 years ago and 100%ed them from memory. I'd give it a shot if you like platformers in general. If the first one doesn't tickle your fancy, skip to 2. It's a vast improvement. Kinda like the jump from Uncharted 1 to 2, appropriately enough.
@regix416_basic: it's as just as much of a "remaster" as the rest of the PS2 on PS4 games. And no suikoden 3 is $15. It is a PS2 classic on PS3, no upscaling or trophy support.
KahnArtizt's comments