@Thanatos2k: man dood your recent posting history is just chock full of negativity. Like, I couldn't find a single positive thing. You need to lighten up and enjoy things for what they are. If I play something and enjoy it, who cares what number got placed on it?
@inebriantia: simplistic combat aside, I loved crisis core. The story was actually pretty well written and it was easily one of the prettiest PSP games. Zach > Cloud
@Thanatos2k: it's still not bad by any stretch of the term. Some of my favorite games have gotten 7/10. Brace Fencer Musashi, Star Ocean 3, Just Cause 3 (that actually got a 5.5 on IGN).
Considering the original plan for XV (or Versus XIII) was to be a trilogy but when they rebranded it XV, they decided to cram all 3 games into one. Hence why the overall game structure is so disjointed.
1st game: roadtrip, 2nd game: chapter 9-13, 3rd game probably would have taken place entirely in the world of ruin and would have been (obviously) a lot longer. This is just what I have heard and I would love to see/read a documentary explaining the development of this game.
@gamingdevil800: I dunno... I thought XIII-2 was superior gameplay-wise to XIII. Story was crap in both games, but I really enjoyed the end game of XIII-2. I even platinumed it. XIII-3 was trash all around tho.
@computernoises: No, because all FF games are separate stories/universes and are not sequels to each other. Direct story sequels have always been numbered like X-2, XIII-2.
KahnArtizt's comments