@Keitha313: Sounds like you haven't played the game at all if you think they're "gender confused". They are very much men. When you base opinions off of looks, you make yourself look stupid.
@Bread_or_Decide: I don't understand why being on rails is a bad thing. Half-Life 2 was more or less on rails in the same fashion as Uncharted and that game is considered on of the greatest single player shooters of all time.
@Bread_or_Decide: Yeah like the 25 minute action scene in Madagascar that never lets up. Totally walking the whole way. It has vastly less walking than basically ANY open world game in existence.
@motopram: Well, few games are straight up action the whole way. Games need this thing called "variety" or else people call it "repetitive" or "one-dimensional". The pacing is great. If anything, some sequences are overly long, but by no means is it even close to approaching "boring". I beat the game in 2 days because I was so engrossed by the story and the incredible graphics and setpieces, and then went back and beat it on crushing (that's when the game gets REAL challenging cuz it takes away enemy marking and enemy awareness meters).
@biggamerdude: people love hating what everyone loves. If nothing else, OW has become an internet phenomenon with all the fanmade stuff. I can imagine many people will be annoyed by that and not even give it a chance.
I can only assume the people who are hating on Overwatch have never played it because it's one of the most rocksolid and flat-out fun shooters of the past decade. Overwatch's MP has character! I can't think of any shooters that had that much personality except team Fortress 2 and Uncharted 4 (U4 MP is good, but pales in comparison to OW).
@jcwainc: Man, this MUST be a troll account. Let It Die is not even close to GOTY. I mean it's an okay game, but nothing better than an 8 tops. Overwatch is a fantastic game and just cuz it's a "ripoff" of TF2 doesn't make it a bad game. Every game is a ripoff of another in some form. Most of the most famous art in the world is a ripoff of some other lesser known artist. Fact.
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