@siarhei: If that's the reason you don't wanna play it, then maybe you should stop playing video games. You're missing the point. It's a great game with fantastic gameplay. Who cares what clothes the main characters wears. You can change them later anyways.
@G-Corleone: For the record, FF2 is easily the worst FF game. It's the only FF game that is fundamentally broken in its original NES form. Even the remakes are still pretty bad.
@Keitha313: hahaha that's funny. Guys wearing designer clothes, showing their chest, and have nice hair = gay. I guess only ugly guys who have no fashion sense are straight lol
Besides, who cares if they look "gay" or "effeminate"? Doesn't affect my ability to enjoy the game. In fact, I'm cosplaying as Prompto at Fanime this year because I liked his character so much. I also sorta look like him too.
@G-Corleone: you're "glad" people don't like it? Man, just can't handle people liking something that you don't huh? And for what it's worth, every single person I know in real life that got the game likes it, if not loves it (like me). It's no FFVI or IX, but it's still a great game on its own.
And no, the majority of people did NOT dislike it. Quite the opposite. It's got a 83 on metacritic and see above paragraph for my personal antecdotes, which mean more to me than any internet review.
No way in hell is XIII better than XV. That game was so-so even without the FF name backing it up.
But hey.... opinions. You like what you like. There's no wrong way to enjoy a video game.
@kaminobenimizu: Haha he pulled the old "I'm using a term I don't know how to use properly" thing. He's basically the trainer in Brock's gym that mistakes lightyears for a measure of time!
@Alecmrhand: OMG I'm soooo sorry that you precious game was tainted by a character you don't like! tell me more about how having her in the game ruins the experience.
@bak_sok: I know, right? It makes me embarrassed to call myself a gamer sometimes because there is so much venom and blind hate going around and everyone feels so entitled to every fucking thing! I guess that's what happens when you give a coward a computer.
KahnArtizt's comments