@iandizion713: it still sold 1 mil on Xbox one in the first 2 months. That's the holiday season where they make their big sales push. I waited for a sale to buy it and I didn't see one until the PC version came out (after the 2 month window). They probably had bigger sales in PC but Steam sales are pure profit. No physical merchandise to print or ship out. Just Steam codes. They have a stronger profit margin per unit on PC due to that fact. The unknown right now is PS4 sales.
Bottom line is, they are going to make money hand over foot with this Avengers game if it turns out to be great. Marvel is a much stronger selling name than Tomb Raider. They'd be crazy to NOT take this deal, regardless of TR and Deus Ex's sales.
@iandizion713: they got a copy of both from me and a couple of my friends. That's all I can attest to until SE releases actual sales figures. But keep in mind that Tomb Raider 2013 undersold in their eyes and it sold 8.5 million as of 2 years ago and their sales expectation was 14.9 million. I'm sorry but those are Call of Duty numbers. SE always overestimates their sales figures.
The facts: RotTR on X1 sold over 1 million in 2 months. The PC version outsold the first month sales of X1 3:1. A safe best would say PC sold 1.5 million in first month. PS4 probably sold another million since it has a substantially higher user base and had more bells and whistles than the X1 release (all DLC, ps pro support etc). Not accounting for all the sales on PC and X1 that happened since Jan 2016 (because no one has reported them) a safe bet would be it sold 3,5 million across all 3 platforms. Decent sales if you ask me. And that's not even close to the real number. 3.5mil x $60 = $210 million. Budget? No figure. Considering GTAV cost around $300 mil, it's probably less than that. It probably broke even and that's only considering the sales we know for sure or have accurately estimated.
Isn't the world great when you do a bit of research?
@captnforever: Pokémon Company owns the rights to Pokémon. All mobile Pokémon games are published by Pokémon Company. Find Nintendo's name on ANY of them and you win. But you won't because it's not there. Stop blaming Nintendo for things they do not control. It makes about as much sense as blaming the President for high gas prices. Does being a hater give you an erection or something?
@blockbuster: or you could, you know actually catch them. Eggs and walking with buddies are supposed to be supplementary, not primary means to raise Pokémon.
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