@chiefwiggum16: If you buy all your games on carts, you won't have that issue. No need to install a game that's on flash memory. Updates and DLC, sure but I can't imagine that will be a huge issue and there is still expandable storage options. This won't be a Vita issue where the memory cards cost more than the system (unless you want a TB!)
They'd be crazy to NOT include this in the next update. I wasn't planning on getting a Pro for a while, but this has me intrigued! Next sale, I'm sold!
@Flodiac: you do realize that these people work in offices with every console right? They don't have to actually own a console to write article about a game on it.
@Gelugon_baat: I guess you could do that.... but what's the point? I never understood the appeal of watching other people play games in order to "experience" it. I guess I'm too old for the Let's Play scene. A 7/10 game is by no means bad and the game is far from unplayable. Just every few hours, there's a 10 minute stretch that sucks. It still beats playing online shooters and fighting games and getting your ass handed to you for 10 hours before you get good enough to enjoy the game.
@Gelugon_baat: While your points are valid, how much enjoyment you get out of things like that is a subjective opinion. I thought the story missions were fine. Not terrible, but just fine. Most of them were good but there were a few duds every once in a while. That isn't what I really remember about the game though. The rest of the game was great I thought. I mean, I wouldn't have platinumed it if I didn't like it. I'm not one of those people who plays games just to plat. I only plat the games I deem worth my time and I had a lot of fun with GR1. Can't wait to get my hands on this when I have more free time.
KahnArtizt's comments