@cantcatchzoom: Don't mind deviltaz. He's just got nothing going on in his life so he likes to hate on what everyone else loves. He goes on all things that are popular and then bashes them. I wonder if there is anything he actually likes or if it's just varying levels of hate, presumably based on his cuirrent mood or how he can twist the situation to et the most people upset. He's clearly a very miserable person.
Moral of the story: keep loving what you love, come up with constructive criticism for the things you dislike (instead of hatred and vitriol), and the world will be a much better place. Peace!
@deviltaz35: The salt is strong with this one. He loves to hate what others love. What a sad existence. There's not enough time in the world to hate everything that which everyone loves... so I just love what I love and ignore everything else. And people wonder why I'm so happy all the time...
@deviltaz35:I dont see what being a "modified google app" has anything to do with its quality or definition of a game. Counterstrike was a Half Life mod but that didn't stop it from taking over the PC shooter scene for the next decade. If it was based off of a fictional game space, would that make it a game? I fail to see how just that it's augmented reality, it's not a game. Explain that to me. There is battling for supremacy of gyms and collecting and training Pokemon. How is that different from other Pokemon games? Because you have to get off your lazy ass and actually physically go there? If that's not a game, then I apparently have no clue what a game is. It just sounds like you really want to hate this one. So go ahead and continue hating it while I have fun. It's not like I just joined a cult or something so why you feel the need to try and get me to not play it is beyond my comprehension (and no I haven't put any money into it, if that's what you're thinking. The game provides a perfectly manageable way to collect premium currency without real currency.)
@deviltaz35: People don't need running shoes to jog, but it fucking helps. Stop being so judgmental. Go like things you like and leave people who like things alone. We're not hurting anyone, like your abbraisive comments are.
@luludooobee111: over a dozen people play the game in my department, including a few ppl who knew nothing about Pokémon. Literally no one has stopped playing since July 7. I'm constantly seeing people playing across campus at my job. Maybe all your friends stopped playing but so far I'm seeing 100% retention among my social circle.
@RunningMansKid: If you take a console and PC that are indeed identical in specs and compare them, console wins every time because they run in assembly level language. The lower levels of language are able to get more optimization than higher levels of language that PCs run on. Fact.
My OOP teacher/former game programmer for Sierra told my class this and gave a much better explanation than I ever could.
@sam628: Just Cause 3 is a terribly optimized game. That's not a great example. The framerate drops into the single digits on consoles once you get a few explosions going. GTAV would be a better open world example as that game is fairly well optimized.
KahnArtizt's comments