@yokofox33: No one complained about From Software's complete silence surrounding the intricities of the entire Souls/BB series. In fact, people enjoyed the obtuse, unknown nature of the game. The silence involving all of issues with the game is a problem tho.
@dlCHIEF58: Keep spreading the gospel of truth, man! People love to hate on things that everyone loves, but no one does any fact-checking before they start spewing nonsensical, generalized comments.
@br1m: If you think this game was made my Japanese devs, you are thoroughly misinformed. Do some research before you hate on something you know nothing about.
@mycool_ray: People pay for what they like. The fact that you DON'T HAVE TO spend money is just a bonus. I don't see why people have to hate what everyone else loves.
@lem10001: How is it pay to win? All you can buy are more pokeballs, incense, and inventory upgrades. I haven't put a dime into it and I've been beating gyms fairly frequently, which in turn gives you coins so that you DON'T HAVE TO SPEND MONEY. It's not pay to win, it's play to earn your damn premium currency.
Also, if you think mainline Pokemon games are "simple", I must only assume you have never played one. They are some of the deepest RPGs around. Pokemon breeding makes chocobo breeding look like a loading screen minigame in comparison.
@the-games-masta: I could write an essay on the loose ends in the story. For starters, Sahelanthropus' fate is completely unresolved. It's just gone and that's it. Emmerich leaves and that's it. The Skulls just go away. I mean I like the way they ended Quiet's plot arc but everything else was just tossed aside in the hope that we will all just assume that it will get resolved when MGS VI comes out. It won't...
KahnArtizt's comments